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"'Speakin' of being locoed that a-way, says Enright, 'recalls an incident that takes place back when I'm a yearlin' an' assoomes my feeble part in the Mexican War. That's years ago, but I don't know of nothln' sadder than that story, nothin' more replete of sobs. Not that I weeps tharat, for I'm a thoughtless an' a callous yooth, but, all the same, it glooms me up a heap.

Don't say nothing to any of the boys at all. But if any of the boys has anything to say, you listen. Scotty made the rounds to-day talked to the whole bunch. They know all about his spotty yearlin', gol darn him! I'd like to know if any of 'em has got any inside dope. There's strangers in the outfit this spring. And, Duke, you kinda keep your eye on Cheyenne.

Slim was plaintively apologetic: "I ain't kissed a female since I was a yearlin'." "Time you started," snapped Polly. "You kiss the bride, or I take it pussenel," said Allen, thoroughly aroused. "Well, if you put it that way, I'll do it," gasped Slim, in desperation. The agreement restored the boys to their good nature.

One on 'em is a big, long, rangy cuss, like a yearlin' colt, by gosh, and ther other's the dead spit of the school teacher at ther Four Corners, back er hum." "We must see into this." It was Ramon who spoke. As he did so, he advanced in his agile, cat-like way upon the altar. In his hand he held his revolver.

And Tommy wonnered and wonnered that a little boy's life wuzn't worth more than a dollar. "Why," sez I, "the law gives twenty dollars for a two-year-old heifer." "Yes," sez Arvilly, "the law don't reckon Willie Henzy's life worth so much as a yearlin' calf or a dog.

But I simply say, and say honest, that I hain't felt no drawin's towards seancys, nor felt like follerin' 'em up. But I am perfectly willin' you should have your own idees, and foller 'em." "Do you believe angels have appeared to men?" "Yes, mom, I do. But I never heard of a angel bein' stanchelled up in a box-stall, and let out of it agin at stated times, like a yearlin' colt.

"These fellers up here tried to bust our county up into little pieces once an' do you know why? Bekase we was so LAWLESS." Steve laughed sayagely. "They're gittin' wuss'n we air. They say we stole the State fer that bag o' wind, Bryan, when we'd been votin' the same way fer forty years. Now they're goin' to gag us an' tie us up like a yearlin' calf.

But when you come belly-achin' around about me stealin' a spotty yearlin' jest as if there wasn't but one on the Black Rim range! why, damn it, you'll prove it! Do you get that? You'll prove it before a jury, or I'll sue yuh for libel and bust yuh. I don't go much on the law, but by Henry, I'll use it on you!" The Douglas eyes flickered uncertainly, but the Douglas mouth was unyielding.

He'd be goin' on a keen lope, and then something or other might get on his mind, and he'd stop and untangle hisself from all kinds of ridin'. Sometimes he'd jump and snort like he was seein' ghosts. A feller on that horse could have roped antelopes as easy as yearlin' calves, if he could just have told which way Mr. Pinto was goin'; but he was a shore hard one to estermate.

"If the Captain wasn't lookin'," retorted Belcher, "I'd shut up both of them dead-mackerel eyes o' your'n, you backwoods yearlin'. I'll settle with you after we git into camp. Your stripes won't save you." "Never mind about my stripes, old Stringhalt. I kin take them off long enough to wallop you." Si was in such a frame of mind that his usual open-eyedness was gone.