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Leave ME behind? you recent blanket-mortgage yearlin'! You plush-lined, nickel-plated, whistlin' wash room, d' yu' figure I can't go east just as soon as west? Or I'll stay right here if it suits me, yu' dude-inhabited hot-box! Why, yu' coon-bossed face-towel " But from here he rose in flights of novelty that appalled and held me spellbound, and which are not for me to say to you.

Bill, who's been lookin' a heap numb ever since these rites becomes acoote, goes projectin' off alone onto the prairie. The Saucy Willow is hid in the deepest corner of Strike Axe's teepee; which if she's visible, however, you'd be shore amazed at the foolish expression she wears, but all as shy an' artless as a yearlin' antelope.

An' there's a T U, an' an I X cow, an' there's one of Charlie Green's, an' a yearlin' of Jerry Keerful's, an' a quarter-circle M, that belongs over the other side, they don't need to bother with that one, an' there's a "

'I'm that beset I dunno where I'm standin', for Miss Hardin's been as crooked as a snake fence, an' as contrairy as a yearlin' colt, an' the childern dew train awful. 'Yer've got to tell me stories all night, miles of 'em, said Lemuel, as he bestowed his small person on the floor, with his legs in the air.

Her bed shall be of b'ar-skins; her food shall be yearlin' venison, an' wild honey from the tree! Her gown shall be panther's pelts fringed 'round with wolf-tails an' eagles' claws! She shall belt herse'f with a rattlesnake, an' her Sunday bonnet shall be a swarm of bees! When I kiss her it sounds like the crack of a whip, an' I wouldn't part with her for twenty cows!

Ye ha' cattle, Mister Lorrigan; I ken weel ye should no' be put to it for a wee bit meat but I ken weel yon spotty yearlin' was mine. I ken ye've been campin' thereabout and it wad seem, Mister Lorrigan, that the salt was no sa plentifu' when the spotty yearlin' was kilt." The downright foolhardiness of the Douglas wrath held Tom's hand, though of a truth that hand trembled and crept backward.

Day before yesterday we was boys together in Uvalde an' Miss Sally a tomboy with us. To-morrow will be no worse, as I figure it." He looked hard at the hills. "It can't be all a silly joke. That would be too stupid! No jolthead made these hills. It's all right, I reckon.... And the little shaver? He was only a yearlin' when I saw him last. And I haven't heard a word about you since."

I have now the Skin & bone of a Ram a Ewe & a yearlin ram of those big Horn animals. at 8.

Whenever you notes a gent afar off with a fire goin' an' a yearlin' throwed an' hawg-tied ready to mark up a heap with his own private hieroglyphics, don't you-all go pesterin' 'round him. He ain't good company, sech a gent ain't. Don't go near him.

Gander Pullin's is popular a lot when I'm a yearlin'; I knows that for shore; though in a age which grows effete it's mighty likely if we-all goes back thar now, we'd find it fallen into disuse as a reelaxation. "In Ridin' for the Chicken's Head, a Mexican don't hang up his prey none same as we-all does at Gander Pullin's.