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He told her that he had come to see the Abbe Troubert, and turned towards the ground-floor apartment where the canon lived; but Marianne called to him: "Not there, monsieur le vicaire; the Abbe Troubert is in your old apartment." These words gave the vicar a frightful shock.

I let them do it because it vexes Madame la Vicaire; but of course it is very foolish." I was silent. I thought what a curse it was this necessity of loving. Even the poison of it must find its way into the hearts of children young things shut within the walls of a secluded convent, and guarded by the conscientious care of holy women. "And the nuns?" I said, uttering half my thoughts aloud.

M. Gabriel Vicaire has made an investigation to determine how many works issued from Balzac's presses, and he has been unable to count more than one hundred and fifty, or thereabouts, which was a small number, during a space of two years, for an important and well-equipped printing house.

During this interregnum the Coadjutor holds the first rank in the temporal, and the Grand Vicaire in the spiritual, affairs of the order; both of which are very extensive.

He was on his way to pay a visit to his "good vicaire" at the vicarage, after giving his usual Wednesday lecture at the neighbouring "college for young ladies;" where, blooming misses in addition to their curriculum of "accomplishments" and "all the 'ologies" were taught the noble art of family multiplication, domestic division, male detraction, feminine sedition, and, the glorious rule of one!

It is not intended at present to discuss the necessity of tenuity with reference to the functions of the sun as a radiator; yet it will be proper to observe that on merely dynamical grounds the enormous density of the solar envelope which would result from low temperature presents an unanswerable objection to the assumption of Pouillet, Vicaire, Sainte-Claire Deville, and other eminent savants, that the temperature of the solar surface does not reach 3,000° C.

But Mere Marguerite, the Vicaire as she is called the one that received you oh, I do detest her!" "Indeed! and why?" The red lips curled mutinously. "Because she is so sly and silent. Some of the children here adore her; but they MUST have something to love, you know," and she laughed merrily. "Must they?" I asked the question automatically, merely for the sake of saying something.

The operation was continued, and fortunately had just been finished when the valet resumed, "Et rappelez-vous Monsieur le Vicaire de . Il est arrive hier au soir, on a visit to Mr McElvina." "The devil he is?" replied Rainscourt, springing from his chair, at the corroborating incident to his previous ground of alarm. The astonished countenance of the valet restored the master to his senses.

See Revue des questions historiques, 1st July 1890, 102. This minimum was set at five hundred livres a year for a cure in 1768, and raised to seven hundred in 1785. A vicaire received two hundred and three hundred and fifty. These amounts do not seem large, but they must have secured to the country priest a tolerable condition, for we do not find that the clerical profession was neglected.

Please forget my stupidity, and write to me from Avellino." I took her outstretched hand, and bowing over it, touched it gently with my lips. She turned toward the door, when suddenly a mischievous idea seemed to enter her mind. She looked at Madame la Vicaire and then came back to me.