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"And the old bearded fellow rubbed away, pushed with his hips, embracing her in front: clasped with his arms embracing her behind; stuffing at the chancellery, throwing her gently and collecting his strength, labouring with his chest, and even tripping her up: he made use of all." I shall scream, said Zulma, who was defending herself valiantly; I shall scream if you do not loose me.

In coming rapidly down stairs, the descent will be made with ease and safety if the spinal cord is allowed entire charge of the act, but the chances of stumbling or of tripping are very much increased if each step be taken as the result of the will power. The reflex action of the cord may be diminished, or inhibited as it is called, but this power is limited.

Gradually the night fell blacker; it was all I could do to guide myself even roughly towards my destination; the double hill behind me and the Spy-glass on my right hand loomed faint and fainter; the stars were few and pale; and in the low ground where I wandered I kept tripping among bushes and rolling into sandy pits. Suddenly a kind of brightness fell about me.

Notice that man over there in the field; his cotton gown is of the purest blue, which shows up richly against the vivid green of the maize stalks. There is another seated far back on the rump of a small donkey who is tripping along on its stiff little legs. It wears no harness of any kind beyond a cord round its neck, which enables anyone to catch hold of it.

Tripping down after them and falling at last into the extended arms of her husband rather unsteady under the weight while the stiffly polite gentlemen formed a compact crowd out to the door. Mrs. Griffin was led, with no little difficulty, through the seated guests, bestowing bows, and smiles, and "Glad to see you, my dear Mr. Dripps," and "How well you're looking, my dear Mrs.

Then, filled with indignant rage at the murderous attack upon him, and suddenly comprehending the desperate nature of the situation, he sprang at his antagonist, thrusting the remnants of the chair in his face and, following hard and fast upon him, pushed him backward and still backward till, tripping once more, he fell supine among the pots and pans.

"Help!" screamed Marie. Both her feet flew out. One caught Teddy, tripping him and down they rolled amid a shower of cinders, both landing in a heap at the foot of the embankment. "That settles it. I thought you were going to let go," growled Teddy. "I I couldn't." "You mean you didn't. Now, you can take your choice; go up the bank alone or stay here.

Gilbert, "and I am sure it will require no knapsack with a screw in the back to bring him quickly to us." And it did not. There is a wonderful pleasure in tripping over the earth like a winged Mercury, and in feeling one's self relieved of much of that attraction of gravitation which drags us down to earth and gradually makes the movement of our bodies but weariness and labor.

It was of marble, in the antique style, with one arm partly extended, holding a figure of victory. Over this arm the ladies, in tripping upstairs to the ball, had thrown their shawls. It was a singular office for the statue of Napoleon to perform in the mansion of the Duke of Wellington! "Imperial Caesar dead, and turned to clay," etc., etc.

And this had been warped and smothered and talked down and made a furtive, shameful thing, and it must be brought out into the day.... Neville smiled to hear all this tripping sweetly off Gerda's lips. "All right, darling, don't mind me. Go ahead and bring it out into the day, if you think the subject really needs more airing than it already gets.