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With the face of Trevalyon seldom absent from her thoughts, Mrs. Haughton unconsciously chose much that would have been his own choice also. A page, in the hotel livery, tapping at the door of the sitting-room, en suite with the sleeping apartments engaged by Lady Esmondet, coming forward, hands a telegram. "This has just arrived, your ladyship; any answer, your ladyship?"

The maids seeing to bath and toilette, their mistresses met in the comfortable salon which was entered on either side from each sleeping chamber and small boudoir; soon in pleasant converse, or pauses of quiet, as friends who know and love each other can indulge in; Lady Esmondet and Vaura passed the time until the entree of Trevalyon to escort them to the salle a manger and table d'hote; as he sees them he thinks, "how charming they look refreshed and re-robed, each wearing gown and neck-gear, artistic in draping and colour.

Haughton is to be excused, Eric; she does not know Lionel as we do." "The animal man is the same everywhere," continued Madame, recklessly. "The serious trouble I see in it for Capt. Trevalyon," said Lady Esmondet, "is, that did he contemplate matrimony, this scandal afloat would be a barrier to his union."

He wishes me to enclose to you a scrap from the 'society' columns of one of our New York newspapers. "Yours very sincerely, "Judith Trevalyon, "The Langham, London, Nov. 77. "Capt. Trevalyon, "The Villa Iberia, "Rome, Italy." On reading above, Trevalyon, with sudden impulse, and craving for sympathy, handed it to his old friend. "Too bad, too bad, Lionel; how grieved I am for you."

There was a moment's pause, each thinking of Trevalyon, when Vaura said carelessly, to cover her quickened heart-beats: "Here he comes, with his mouth full of news." "This story about Trevalyon is a lie direct, Everly," said the Colonel, hastily. "Dare say, Haughton."

And a divorce suit of some thirty years ago, which as a very young girl of fourteen, she remembered all now came again to her memory, in which the principal actors were Lionel's father, Hugh Trevalyon and his beautiful wife Nora. Both were passionate lovers of the drama; the Trevalyons frequently wintered at Paris, where they made the acquaintance of one of the principal actors of the day.

"'Twas you, who bagged the delicate game, if I remember you aright, Delrose," said Trevalyon, with the utmost sang-froid as he leaned backwards and with his right hand fondled his long tawny moustache. "George Delrose, what makes you here? You are Lucifer himself, I believe," said Mrs. Tompkins wrathfully, pushing his hand from her shoulder and starting to her feet.

"Look, quick," cried Lady Esmondet, hurriedly, "some one; is that Captain Trevalyon over there, evidently looking for some one, or is it his spirit?" "It is he in the flesh; and looking anything but spirituel," said Vaura as she thought, "Yes, she would know him anywhere; her knight; so different to any other man she meets."

Take your head away, you don't care a fig that my flowers will wear a dissipated recumbence; remember the dinner and ball." "Hang the flowers, the dinner and everything; I want you." "But suppose I like queening it among the English nobility a trifle longer. You see Trevalyon is "

Trevalyon until we reach the Hall of 'Haughton, when some one else will go in for monopoly of me." "Yes, you poor dear thing, he will;" and she tittered; "but when the cat is away mousey can play; consider me asleep over my novel." The absurdity of her remark struck Trevalyon so forcibly that he could not restrain a laugh. "I don't believe you pity me one bit," said Mrs.