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At this there was laughter, when Rivers continued: "Don't look black as a storm-tossed sky, Delrose, as the veiled lady hath it. I dare say honours were divided between you and Trevalyon." "Both soldiers, they went to war and vanquished a woman, eh, Georgie?" said Kate, still laughing; "they all do it. Even my spouse, Saint Eric, is laying siege to that women in violet velvet."

Wingfield's gossip, and that her name had been coupled with Trevalyon's; it was only that she was a foolish little woman, and let society see that she had a penchant for Captain Trevalyon.

Sir Lionel Trevalyon has lately come into the possession of much gold; the Church of Rome hath a fancy for the yellow metal; if the woman robed as a nun be a nun, then she is only adding to the coffers of the church by speaking the words we have heard. To attempt to describe the effects of the words of Delrose on the gay groups of revellers would be impossible.

Do you purpose interviewing the newspaper men, Trevalyon?" he inquired, taking the medicine chest from his servant and dismissing him.

Household gods are permitted in Christendom; he is my god and shall be then as now my idol." "My queen," he whispered eagerly, "of whom have you been thinking all this time? Say of me, and not of him." "You men all go in for monopoly, George dear, but who is the obnoxious 'he' this time?" "Trevalyon, of course; did I not hear you "

"Flashes of light and warm tints in a golden summer sky versus evening in her red robes sinking to the west," said Trevalyon, pressing Vaura to his side as they follow their companions. "One for you, Sir Lionel," cried la petite looking over her shoulder. And Lionel bends his handsome head down to the fair woman whose face is unturned to his.

The following eight years of Vaura's life have been spent chiefly at Paris, at the Seminaire of Madame Rocheforte, bringing us to 1877, the intangible present, a mere cobweb dividing as it does our past, as it silently recedes from our winged future. We now return to Captain Trevalyon, as he leaves the residence of Mrs. Tompkins, No. Eaton Square.

Here a servant announced Sir Denis O'Gormon. "Ah, O'Gormon, glad to see you. Lady Esmondet, permit me to present to you Sir Dennis O'Gormon. Miss Vernon allow me to introduce Sir Dennis; Douglas, I believe you and O'Gormon have met before." Lady Esmondet and Miss Vernon shook hands with and welcomed their guest, Lady Esmondet saying graciously, "Any friend of Captain Trevalyon is always welcome."

"Take my word for it, Trevalyon, there is nothing to equal Vaura in the kingdom. I wish you had been at Park Lane the night before last." "Don't name it, Haughton, I have been quarrelling with fate ever since; promise me that the next time you see an opening to my joining them you will let me know."

"But you can't have me, Sir Tilton, I belong to the heir of the house for the last dance," she said, wilfully misconstruing his meaning, so gaining time, lost to him. "You are cruel, you gave up my dance for Trevalyon; you won't give up De Hauteville's for me." "Eau Clair made me promise faithfully," and with pretty persuasiveness had her way to the ball-room.