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Crewe, whereupon he rushes back to the bridal suite to report to his chief. The cigars are giving out again, and the rush has slackened, and he detaches the People's Champion from the line and draws him to the inner room. "Brush Bascom's conducting a bourse on the second floor and is running the price up right along," cried the honest and indignant Mr. Tooting. "He's stringin' Adam Hunt all right.

Hoss thieves is hoss thieves, an' needs stringin'. Ther' ain't nuthin' for it but a rawhide rope fer them fellers. Guess I've seen more'n you've heerd tell of. Say, boys, who's goin' to see the boss? Guess he's right ther' on the verandah." Though there was no verbal reply as the wild American turned to move off, there was a general movement to follow him. Raw Harris started it.

But I knew there wuz no danger of his hair ever stringin' down his back, for I could, if danger pressed too near, cut it off durin' his sleep, and would, too, even if it led to words. Wall, Arvilly's first work, after she had canvassed the hotel-keeper for the "Twin Crimes," and as many of the guests as she could, wuz to find out if Waitstill wuz there. And sure enough she found her.

I ain't down here after you this trip. Where you been, anyway, that you don't know the war's over? Why Coke Sheehan confessed a month ago that it was him that croaked Schneider, and the governor pardoned you about ten days ago." "You stringin' me?" asked Billy, a vicious glint in his eyes. "On the level," Flannagan assured him.

At thet time I kind a' thought he was jest stringin' us along." "You'll find that when Bert says a thing he generally means it," remarked Dick, "but what is it all about, anyway? What was it that he offered to run in?" Sandy then proceeded to explain all that had occurred that morning, and when he had finished both Tom and Dick gave a long whistle.

And not a muscle of him moved, except one big toe, which he curled and uncurled across a crack in the rough, worn kitchen floor. "Git everything else done, too," went on Big Tom. "You don't scrub till to-morrow, so the day's clear for stringin' beads, or makin' vi'lets. And don't let me come home t'night and find no hot supper. You hear me." He chewed once or twice on nothing.

"Maybe I'd ha' done well to bide where I was; but now I've come so far, I'll break my fast with the regiment." He clapped spurs to his horse, and away he went down the brae. "I ken him weel," said our student, nodding after him. "He's a lawyer in Edinburgh, and a braw hand at the stringin' of verses. Wattie Scott is his name."

I left the kittles fur a minnit ter run down the gyardin walk, ter see how my bed o' pinks wuz comin' out, an' I sung ez I run. "Jest then a passel o' men come stringin' up the road ter the bars. They looked like some o' them that Kunnel Pennington tuck 'way with him, but they rid better critters then any o' them ever hed, an' they were dressed in a sorter soljer-cloze, an' all o' 'em toted guns.

"'How did you find him? I said. "He grinned, moving his lip and his loose nose. "'Some luck, Governor, and some sleuthin'. It was like this: I thought you was stringin' me. But I said to myself I'll keep out an eye; maybe it's on the level any damn thing can happen.

She's told me that she's goin' to make him a character in the book she's writing. Likely she's stringing him." "I reckon she ain't stringin' him," declared Leviatt. "A girl ain't doin' much stringin' when she's holdin' a man's hand an' blushin' when somebody ketches her at it." There was a slight sneer in Leviatt's voice which drew a sharp glance from Radford.