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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Oh, I know I know now he's only been stringin' me all along I know now it's too late that's why I'm goin' t' kill him." "Kill him!" mused Soapy. "Kid, there's good killings an' bad killin's, an' I reckon this 'ud be a good killin', maybe. But this ain't your job." "Why why ain't it?" "Well, you got a sister f'r one thing, an' besides, you ain't a killer."

He's between twenty-five and thirty, for a guess; and, say, whatever he might have been once, he's a wreck now, long, thin face, with the cheekbones almost stickin' through, slumped in shoulders, bony hands, and a three months' crop of mud colored hair stringin' damp over his ears and brushin' his coat collar.

That's where we get the saying, 'he lied like a trooper. I know my Uncle George lied so much about what he did in the Civil War that he ought to have had twenty pensions instead of one. Still, there's a big change in Court, as you say, Charlie. I wonder if Alix is really keen about him. He's up there all the time, seems to me. Or is she just stringin' him?" Charlie frowned darkly.

Oh, it's nothin' now I kin laugh at it myself in a month; but I'm so dam' 'shamed I could cry." He lopped down in his chair, a great hulk of a man, and shook his head gloomily. "They ain't but one girl I ever knowed," he said solemnly, "that wasn't stringin' me, and that was Sallie Winship. Sal liked me, dam'd if she didn't.

They say he's got Adam to cough up six thousand extra since five o'clock, but the question is ain't he stringin' us? He paid six hundred for a block of ten not quarter of an hour ago and nine of 'em were our delegates." It must be remembered that these are Mr. Tooting's words, and Mr. Crewe evidently treated them as the product of that gentleman's vivid imagination.

When I was up here a couple of weeks or so ago Ed told me he was goin' to put up a hall or something where the boys, as he called them, could have a dance or a slugging match, or a show, any old thing, in fact, that came along in the way of diversion and amusement." "Say, boss," said Handy, somewhat puzzled, "are you serious or are you stringin' me?" "I don't understand."

"De w'ite folks don' want too good an opinion er de niggers, ef dey had a good opinion of 'em, dey wouldn' have no excuse f er 'busin' an' hangin' an' burnin' 'em. But ef dey can't keep from doin' it, let 'em git de right man! Dis way er pickin' up de fus' nigger dey comes across, an' stringin' 'im up rega'dliss, ought ter be stop', an' stop' right now!"

Accordin' to my idee, gamblin's about the wust racket a feller kin work, but it takes all sorts of men to make a world, an' ef the boys is bound to hev a game, I calkilate they'd like to patronize his bank. Thet's made the old crowd mighty mad, an' they're a-talkin' about puttin' up a job of cheatin' on him an' then stringin' him up.

An' regrettin' I don't savey sooner, I drinks to him." "No," concluded the Old Cattleman, "as I intimates at the go-off, Toothpick don't stay long after that. No one talks of stringin' him for what's a plain case of bad jedgment, an' nothin' more. But still, Wolfville takes a notion ag'in him, an' don't want him 'round none. So he has to freight out.

Buck's grit, elegant grit, but Bob wal, I'd say he's the wisest guy west of Chicago, when it comes to stringin' up a crook." "I'm with you, boss," cried Diamond Jack, in a quick rage. "This farm needs lookin' to to-night sure. We got to git in 'fore sheriffs git around. They're playin' a low-down racket. Jonahs don't cut no ice with me, but they're chasin' up glory agin the camp.

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