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She had reached the beginning of wrinkles and cheekbones and her wrists were squarer than they used to be. Thirty! a year older than Markham! Roses grown in hothouses are quick to fade. Would she fade, too, quickly? She went to the dressing-table and examined her face in a hand-mirror with assiduous care. Yes, crow's feet three of them at each eye, and two tiny wrinkles leading into her dimples.

About the pointed chin and the cheekbones it had the colour of faded brick. Old Tommy had become so thin that he dared not venture to the top of the hill above his native village of Rearward on a windy day. His knees bent comically when he walked.

But even without the distinctions of dress or complexion even without the thick lips or high cheekbones and woolly hair, it was easy to tell that those who sat upon the banquette were under different circumstances from these who strutted over the floor. While these talked loudly and laughed gaily, those were silent and sad.

As we pass from the Valley to the Mountain Tinguian, and from them to the Apayao, we find the average stature almost constant, but the head becomes longer; there is a greater tendency for the cheekbones to protrude and the face to be angular, and there is a more frequent development of the supra-orbital ridges.

But there was always something a bit eerie and fantastic about her, something not exactly of the everyday world her high cheekbones and thin, emotional face with its scarlet lips and intense expression faintly foreshadowing an unusual future. But Polly at the present moment was not feeling in the least unusual, only rather more self-willed and more calculating.

The Dewan was a good-looking Tibetan, very robust, fair, muscular and well fleshed; he had a very broad Tartar face, quite free of hair; a small and beautifully formed mouth and chin, very broad cheekbones, and a low, contracted forehead: his manners were courteous and polite, but evidently affected, in assumption of better breeding than he could in reality lay claim to.

Her features were irregular and sharp, her cheekbones too strongly developed, and the lips, behind which her teeth gleamed pearly white-though too widely set were too full; still, so long as she exerted her great powers of concentration, and listened with flashing eyes, like those of a prophetess, and parted lips to the words of Plato, her face had worn an indescribable glow of feeling, which seemed to have come upon her from a higher and better world, and she had looked far more beautiful than now when she was fully dressed, and when her women crowded round leer Zoe having laid aside the Plato with loud and unmeasured flattery.

Indeed, the high cheekbones, scarred as though by burns, wide-spread nostrils and prominent white teeth, whence the lips had strangely sunk away, gave the whole countenance a more or less equine look which this falling lock seemed to heighten.

The face, sheltered by the plain shady hat, was also a little spoilt from the point of view of beauty by the sharpness of the lines about the chin and mouth, and by a slight prominence of the cheekbones, but the eyes, of a dark bluish gray, were fine, the nose delicately cut, the brow smooth and beautiful, while the complexion had caught the freshness and purity of Westmoreland air and Westmoreland streams.

Again, I can see Henri Rochefort and Gustave Flourens together: the former straight and sinewy, with a great tuft of very dark curly hair, flashing eyes and high and prominent cheekbones; while the latter, tall and bald, with long moustaches and a flowing beard, gazed at you in an eager imperious way, as if he were about to issue some command.