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Instead of stringin' him up afore the door, or shootin' him on sight, they must allow to take him down afore the hull committee 'for an example. 'Example' be blowed! Ther' 's example enough when some stranger comes unbeknownst slap onter a man hanged to a tree and plugged full of holes. That's an example, and he knows what it means. Wot more do ye want?

Crewe, whereupon he rushes back to the bridal suite to report to his chief. The cigars are giving out again, and the rush has slackened, and he detaches the People's Champion from the line and draws him to the inner room. "Brush Bascom's conducting a bourse on the second floor and is running the price up right along," cried the honest and indignant Mr. Tooting. He's stringin' Adam Hunt all right.

He had caught glimpses of the soul in them, and glimpses of his own soul, too. "There's only one thing wrong with the programme," he said aloud. "I've got a date already." The girl's eyes blazed her disappointment. "To sit up with a sick friend, I suppose?" she sneered. "No, a real, honest date with " he faltered, "with a girl." "You're not stringin' me?" she asked earnestly.

And there wuz them that said that they should think the huntin' would be excitin', a-rummagin' round on the ground for some old bones, and they should think the fishin' would be superb, a-dippin' 'em out of a barell and stringin' 'em onto their own strings. But their stories are very large, that I know.

"Of course not," answered Dave, perplexed. "Some one's been stringin' you, Hank," said Crawford, smiling. The teamster scratched his head. "No, sir. I was there when she left. About twelve o'clock last night, mebbe later." "But Sanders says he didn't send a note, and Joyce didn't come here. So you must 'a' missed connections somewhere." "Probably you saw her start for home," suggested Dave.

"Shelley said you were a little bit of a man, with watery blue eyes, and whiter hair than mine." "Oh I say!" cried Robert. "She must have been stringin' you!" Leon just whooped; because while Mr. Then we had dinner, and I don't remember that we ever had quite such a feast before. Mother had put on every single flourish she knew.

And to think of a hamfatter like McCallum, who's come back from Buffalo on a brake beam so often that he always sleeps with one arm crooked around the bedpost, havin' the nerve to call himself a school of dramatic art! Course, I didn't think Marjorie was so easy as to fall for a fake like that. She must be stringin' him. But the minute I see her come out I knew she'd swallowed the hook.

An' he's shorely a bad man. "'Does you-all want to pray?" says one of the gents who's stringin' of him. "'No, Ed," he says that a-way, "prayin's a blind trail to my eyes an' I can't run it a inch." ""What for a racket," says this yere Ed, "would it be to pick out a sport to pray for you a whole lot; sorter play your hand?" ""That's all right," says this culprit.

He grasped her by the shoulders and looked closely at her, his eyes boring, probing, as though searching for some evidence of duplicity in hers. For an instant his gaze held. Then he laughed, softly, self-accusingly. "I thought you was stringin' me just for a minute," he said. "But you're true blue, an' I'll tell you. I'm goin' first to the Arrow to hand the Taggarts their pass-out checks.

Man, but you're an easy mar-rk." "How?" "Can't you see they're stringin' youse for a sucker?" "No, I can't see it. I've made up my mind. I'm going to stand by Hardy." "Fine! Now I'll tell youse one thing. We're goin' to elect Frome to-morrow." O'Brien rose as one who has no time for unprofitable talk. "Your friends have sold youse out. I'm going to call on one of thim right now."