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"Il faut souffrir pour être belle;" and I have suffered sometimes. How often I used to burn myself when I first began to curl my hair! It certainly is straight, and I find it a matter of great difficulty to give it the appearance of natural curls. But "practice makes perfect," they say, so I still persevere, hoping that it may come right some day. I have to be so careful in damp and rainy weather.

It was this last infliction, for il faut souffrir pour etre belle, which somewhat yet more acerbated the ordinary acid of Mrs. Morton's temper. The sweetest disposition is ruffled when the shoe pinches; and it so happened that Mrs. Roger Morton was one of those ladies who always have chilblains in the winter and corns in the summer. "So you say your sister is a beauty?" "Was a beauty, Mrs.

The warriors dispersed to their respective haunts; and, when a band of them reached the St. John, Villebon coolly declares that he gave them a prisoner to burn. They put him to death with all their ingenuity of torture. Jean. Je le donnai a nos sauvages pour estre brule, ce qu'ils firent le lendemain. On ne peut rien adjouter aux tourmens qu'ils luy firent souffrir."

But the old woman would listen to nothing; and at last the barber took out his knife and struck the first blow at her neck. 'Ah! she shrieked as she felt the pain. 'Il faut souffrir pour etre belle, said the barber, who had been in France. And at the second blow her head rolled off, and the old woman was dead for good and all. Catherine and Her Destiny

The Marchesa has murdered two people, first her husband, and then my boy, my foolish, quixotic, generous Michael. May God forgive her! I never will!" But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you. Je veux aimer, mais je ne veux pas souffrir. In the days that followed the Bishop's visit Michael's mind showed signs of reasserting itself.

To-day I have all the Townshends and Brodericks to dine here, and Mie Mie goes after dinner to the Opera with Lady Payne, so I must be dressed to be her beau, which, if it was not for the pleasure of being assistant to her, would be souffrir le martyre. We shall adjourn next week, I believe, till after the Queen's birthday.

On y voit ce qu'un peuple sait des choses invisibles, si les notions de Dieu, de l'ame, du devoir, sont assez pures chez lui pour ne souffrir que des termes exacts. On mesure la puissance de ses institutions par le nombre et la propriete des termes qu'elles veulent pour leur service; la liturgie a ses paroles sacramentelles, la procedure a ses formules.

But tell me truly, now, does not such an offer tempt you? 'Me! she replied, adapting to the idea two verses from Racine Moi! vous me soupconnez de cette perfidie? Moi! je pourrais souffrir un visage odieux, Qui rappelle toujours l'Hopital a mes yeux? 'No! replied I, continuing the parody J'aurais peine a penser que l'Hopital, madame, Fut un trait dont l'amour l'eut grave dans votre ame.

'Mourir c'est rien, mais souffrir! That is the hard part of it! Let us all pray for the Pope, my friends! he is an old man!" "When you are silent, Zouche," said Thord with a half smile; "We may perhaps meditate upon him in our thoughts, but not while you talk thus volubly! You take up time and Pequita is getting tired."

Michael went up to her, took her cold hand and kissed it. Then he turned again to the duke. "I offer you my apologies for this intrusion," he said, and the two men bowed to each other. "And now, signor," he said in Italian to the amazed official, "I am at your service." Qui sait tout souffrir peut tout oser.