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No that he's any doot aboot bein' equal tae the job. For a' that he's nigh helpless i' the woods he was forever ying-yangin' at me an' Mike for what he ca's sinfu' pride in oor ain' persons. I've a notion that if yon had a bit o' that same sinfu' pride he'd be the better able tae make his way."

Just and right has been my walk before you, but still " Then, with a sudden passion, and rising to his feet, he cried out, "Frien's, I'm a poor sinfu' man, but I'll play no mair pliskies wi' my conscience. I hae dootless been a hard master, hard and stern, and loving Sinai far beyond Bethlehem. Hard was I to my lad, and hard hae I been to the wife o' my bosom, and hard hae I been to my ain heart.

"Sir," said Deans impatiently, "I ken a' that as weel as I mean to say," he resumed, checking the irritation he felt at being schooled a discipline of the mind which those most ready to bestow it on others do themselves most reluctantly submit to receive "I mean to say, that what ye o serve may be just and reasonable But I hae nae freedom to enter into my ain private affairs wi' strangers And now, in this great national emergency, When there's the Porteous' Act has come doun frae London, that is a deeper blow to this poor sinfu' kingdom and suffering kirk than ony that has been heard of since the foul and fatal Test at a time like this "

But they are vanities sinfu' vanities and, moreover, again the statute law again the statute and gospel law." I now followed up my investigation, by inquiring what means of influence this Mr. Robert Campbell could possibly possess over my affairs, or those of my father. "Why, ye are to understand," said Mr.

Ay, yer sang's the sang o' an angel For a sinfu' thrapple no meet, Like the pipes til a heavenly braingel Whaur they dance their herts intil their feet! But though ye canna behaud, birdie, Ye needna gar a'thing wheesht! I'm noucht but a herplin herdie, But I hae a sang i' my breist!

Geordie despised the 'hale hypothick' as a 'daft ploy, and the spending of five dollars upon a ticket he considered a 'sinfu' waste o' guid siller'; and he warned Billy against 'coontenancin' ony sic redeeklus nonsense. But no one expected Billy to go; although the last two months he had done wonders for his personal appearance, and for his position in the social scale as well.

Eh, grannie! think o' the face o' that man o' sorrows, that never said a hard word till a sinfu' wuman, or a despised publican: was he thinkin' aboot 's ain glory, think ye? An' we hae no richt to say we ken God save in the face o' Christ Jesus. Whatever 's no like Christ is no like God.

"That may be; I'm no denying it; but what is lawfu' in some men is sinfu' in others." "I do not see that at all." "Do you mind last summer, when we were up in Argyleshire, how your cousin, Roy Callendar, walked, with ne'er the wink o' an eyelash, on a mantel-shelf hanging over a three-hundred-feet precipice?

"It's a'most sinfu'," he said, "to be sae free wi' the siller; why man, ye could verra weel buy me a hundred pairs o' breeks wi' the same, and no be wanting it." But Black was watching the launch, now speeding in the moonlight towards the rolling whaler.

"Wouldn't I love to tell Splinterin' Andra that the minister could sing nigger songs and play a banjo. He'd say 'Show me the sinfu' instrument of Belial an' Ah'll smash it into a thoosand splinters!" She accompanied the speech with such an exaggerated imitation of the old man's vigorous gestures, using the poker in lieu of a cane, that the spectators shrieked with laughter.