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It was to gain possession of Slavin's saloon and the bar of the Black Rock Hotel, and clear out all the liquor to be found in both these places. I did not much like the idea; and Geordie said, 'I'm ga'en aifter the lad; I'll hae naethin' tae dae wi' yon. It's' no' that easy, an' it's a sinfu' waste. But Abe was wild to try it, and Shaw was quite willing, while old Nelson sternly approved.

That is a bygane, and there is nae use at a' speiring after it. How is the lad to be saved? That is the question now." "O Jenny, then you dare to hope for his salvation?" "I would think it far mair sinfu' to despair o' it. The Father has twa kinds o' sons, deacon.

In a moment, John's natural temper conquered him; he jumped to his feet, and said passionately, "How daur ye, sir? Get out o' my house, you sinfu' lad!" Then, with a great cry he smote his hands together and bowed his head upon them, weeping slow, heavy drops, that came each with a separate pang. His agony touched David, though he scarcely comprehended it.

Williamson's estimate of moral excellence had recently been described by Burns: But then, nae thanks to him for a' that, Nae godly symptom ye can ca' that, It's naething but a milder feature Of our poor sinfu' corrupt nature. Ye'll get the best o' moral works, Many black gentoos and pagan works, Or hunters wild on Ponotaxi Wha never heard of orthodoxy.

"Latin and Greek! Poor ghostlike languages that hae put off flesh and blood lang syne. Poetry! Warse than nonsense! David and Solomon hae gien us such sacred poetry as is good and necessary; and for sinfu' love verses and such vanities, if Scotland must hae them, Robert Burns is mair than enough. As to mathematics, there's naething against them.

He's owned! he's owned! I lived but for this. I am a sinfu' woman; but if my curse brought it down, my blessing has taen it off! And now I wad hae liked to hae said mair. But it canna be. Stay' she continued, stretching her head towards the gleam of light that shot through the narrow slit which served for a window 'is he not there? Stand out o' the light, and let me look upon him ance mair.

"Father," said Philip, "if you will still allow me to call you by that name foundling though I am unknown as I am in what am I worse than him to whom you would sacrifice your daughter's happiness?" "Sacrifice her happiness!" interrupted the old man; "hoo daur ye speak o' happiness, wha kens nae meanin' for the word but the vain pleasures o' this sinfu' warld!

I'm thinking he might remember when he had nae candles ava in his auld hoose." "Well, he'll have candles enough in his new hall." Davie lit the last candle. "They say that he is sinfu' rich!" "Rich enough to buy Black Hill," said Mrs. Jardine, and turned to the fire. The tutor joined her there. He had for her liking and admiration, and she for him almost a motherly affection.

His wife, puir body, admonished an' entreated him to break awa' fra the sinfu' habit, and he often, when moved by her tears, made resolutions o' amendment, which were broken maist as soon as made; an' it was during a longer season o' sobriety than was usual wi' him, that his wife, thinkin' if he was once awa' fra the great city he would be less in the way o' temptation, persuaded him to leave Glasgow an' remove to the sma' village o' Mill-Burn, a little way frae the farm which my father rented.

The casks did not take much time, and soon the whisky and beer were flowing over the floor. It made me think of Geordie's regret over the 'sinfu' waste. The bottles took longer, and glancing up now and then I saw that Graeme was being hard pressed.