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And now they are gripping to the bow and to the spear, when they suld be mourning for a sinfu' land and a broken covenant. "Soothing the old man by letting his peculiar opinions pass without contradiction, and anxious to prolong conversation with so singular a character, I prevailed upon him to accept that hospitality, which Mr Cleishbotham is always willing to extend to those who need it.

I dinna say it's right God forbid or that it isna sinfu' to take away what ye canna restore, and that's the breath of man, whilk is in his nostrils; but I say it is a sin to be forgiven if it's repented of.

"An' it's a puir best that mine'll be, Jennie, and I'm nae sae sure ye'll hae ower muckle even o' that. We're a' weak, sinfu' creatures, Jennie, an' ye'd hae some deefficulty to find a man weaker or mair sinfu' than mysel'." "Weel, weel, ye hae a truthfu' tongue, Davie. Mony a lad will mak fine promises to a puir lassie, only to break 'em an' her heart wi' 'em.

Two female figures were swinging from the beam. "The auld story," said the shepherd in a low sad voice. "What was their crime?" he inquired of a bystander. "They tried to serve the Lord, that was a'," replied the man bitterly. "But they ended their coorse bravely. Ane sang the 84th Psalm and the ither spake of God's great love an' free grace to her and to sinfu' man."

Morrison was in every respect a remarkable man a Scotchman with the old Hebrew fervor and sublimity, who accepted the extremest tenets of his creed with a deep religious faith, and scorned to trim or moderate them in order to suit what he called "a sinfu' latitudinarian age."

It wad be fair sinfu' no' ta tak a drop at sic a time as this. The minister himsel' wad taste, gin an auld schulemate came back after forty year. Sae wad the Apostle Paul the stomach's sake was naethin' compared wi' this. What'll ye hae, Andra?" "Let this be mine, Gavin," answered Andrew, reaching for his pocketbook.

I am in a sair swither. The righteous dinna always see the right way. I maun e'en to my Psalms again. It is a wonderfu' comfort that King David was just a weak, sinfu' mortal like mysel'." So he went again to those pathetic, self-accusing laments of the royal singer, and found in them, as he always had done, words for all the great depths of his sin and fear, his hopes and his faith.

Aye, aye, its a' awa' an' its mony the year I thocht on it, let alane thocht on wantin' back thae days o' vanity an' the pride o' sinfu' youth!" "Tell me about the officer men, granny," said Winsome. "'Deed wull I no. "But, grandmammy dear, I thought that you said that the officer men ran away from you " "Hear till her! Rin frae me? Certes, ye're no blate.

"Folks say," she continued, after a pause, "that grandmother Demdike is a witch, an con do os she pleases. Ey wonder if she made Alizon so protty. Nah, that canna be, fo' Alizon's na favourite o' hern. If she loves onny one it's me. Why dunna she make me good-looking, then? They say it's sinfu' to be a witch if so, how comes grandmother Demdike to be one?

Then the minister asked Burnbrae to pray, and the Spirit descended on that good man, of simple heart: "Almichty Father, we are a' Thy puir and sinfu' bairns, wha wearied o' hame and gaed awa' intae the far country. Forgive us, for we didna ken what we were leavin' or the sair hert we gied oor Father.