United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Read owed loud dot sum von you shoost don't do." "Mr. Layton gave a dozen original problems as he called them, to our class to-day, and we have a week in which to solve them. I like that kind of work, and so I kept at it this evening until I finished them all." "You vos sure dot you ain't right, Nicholas, eh?" "I have proved every one of them. Oh, you asked me to read the last one! When Mr.

"Then women are permitted to have hearts?" "Shoost so, Mr. Carpenter! Ha, ha, ha! Ve business fellers my Gawd, if you knew vot business is, you'd vunder we got hearts enough to keep our blood movin'." "Business," said Carpenter, still pondering. "Then it's business " "Yes, business " put in T-S. "Dat's it!" And he lowered his voice, and looked round once more.

But firing at our line was much like shooting at the edge of a knife-blade, and their practice on us, which lasted at least two hours, for all practical results, to quote Col. Engelmann, "shoost hurt nobody." A private of Co. G had his head carried away by a fragment of a shell, and a few others were slightly injured, and that was the extent of our casualties.

It is only fit for a widow that wishes to keep body and soul together, or for some hideously ugly thing that fancies she can catch a husband with a little finery. "'It was your own choice, returned the Count. Nucingen had come to pay his gaming debt. "'Ein writ of attachment haf shoost peen served on me by der order of dot teufel Glabaron, he said, seeing Maxime's astonishment.

Maybe you find some cheap skate feller vit some vild cat company vot promise you more; but he sells de picture and makes over de money to his vife's brudders, and den he goes bust, and vere you at den, hey? Mary Magna, here, she tell you, if you git a contract vit old Abey, it's shoost like you got libbidy bonds.

By the sowl av' me mother, Hans, devil a foot does he put inside my door till he explains phwat he manes by it." "Shoost vat you mide expeg from a new chum!" replied Hans, who had lived in Australia. Then they both went back to their respective houses to await events. Now Packenham meant no harm, and had not the faintest idea he was giving offence. But then, as Denison said, he never would think.

"VOT!" And then, "Vy man, you're crazy!" He turned upon me, his eyes wide with dismay. "Billy! Dey got a report Carpenter is shoost now speakin' to a mob on de steps of de City Hall!" The magnate did not wait to see me jump out of my chair or to hear my exclamations, but turned again to the telephone. "My Gawd, man! Vot do I know about it?

Dem fellers is hungry, and de money vill give dem vun good feed. Ve git somebody to bring it to dem, and we be friends shoost de same. Billy, maybe you could give it, hey?" I drew back with a laugh. "You don't get me into your quarrels!" "Vell," said T-S and suddenly he had an inspiration. "I know. I git Mary Magna to give it! She's a voman!" Carpenter turned with sudden wonder.

"All right," answered the Major; "we had rather a chilly night, but are feeling first rate now." "Dat iss goot," responded the Colonel; and continued in his loud tone, "our friends are right out here in de bush; I reckon dey'll show up presently. Maybe so dey will give us a touch of deir artillery practice, but dat hurts nobody. Shoost have de poys keep cool."

Wherever he went he saw Pons, he almost thought that Pons was by his side; and so he reached the theatre just as his friend Topinard was coming out of it after a morning spent in cleaning the lamps and meditating on the manager's tyranny. "Oh, shoost der ding for me!" cried Schmucke, stopping his acquaintance. "Dopinart! you haf a lodging someveres, eh?" "Yes, sir." "A home off your own?"