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Struck with one of those happy inspirations which only enlighten a friend's heart, he marched up to the portress and drew her out to the stairhead. "Montame Zipod," he said, "der goot Pons is fond of goot dings; shoost go rount to der Catran Pleu und order a dainty liddle tinner, mit anjovies und maggaroni. Ein tinner for Lugullus, in vact." "What is that?" inquired La Cibot.

Carpenter, and all I ask you is to heal de sick and quell de mobs, shoost like today. I pledge you my vord I put it in de contract if you say so I make nuttin' but Bible pictures." "That is very kind of you, Mr. T-S, and I thank you for the compliment; but I fear you will have to get some one else to play my part." Said T-S: "I vant you to tink, Mr.

Ain't I shoost offered you five hunded dollars a veek fer dat face, and you vant to go git it smashed? And fer a lot o' lousy bums dat vont vork for honest vages, and vont let nobody else vork! Honest to Gawd, Mr. Carpenter, I tell you some stories about strikes vot we had on our own lot you vouldn't spoil your face for such lousy sons-o'-guns "

It'd gotta be a costume picture, and you got shoost as much show to market vun o' dem today as you got vit a pauper's funeral. I spend all dat money, and no show to git it back, and den you actors tink I'm makin' ten million a veek off you " "Cut it out, Abey!" broke in Mary. "Mr. Carpenter hasn't asked anything of you." "Oh, he ain't, hey? So dat's his game.

"Oh, shoost der ding for me!" cried Schmucke, stopping his acquaintance. "Dopinart! you haf a lodging someveres, eh?" "Yes, sir." "A home off your own?" "Yes, sir." "Are you villing to take me for ein poarder? Oh!

Struck with one of those happy inspirations which only enlighten a friend's heart, he marched up to the portress and drew her out to the stairhead. "Montame Zipod," he said, "der goot Pons is fond of goot dings; shoost go rount to der Catran Pleu und order a dainty liddle tinner, mit anjovies und maggaroni. Ein tinner for Lugullus, in vact." "What is that?" inquired La Cibot.

"Vell, vell, vell I'm not prepared to commit myself. Shoost let me take a look round, vill you?" "With the greatest pleasure and I'll give another shout for the coal." Stanwell went out on the landing, and Mr. Shepson, left to himself, began a meditative progress about the room. On an easel facing the improvised dais stood a canvas on which a young woman's head had been blocked in.

"De whole damn vorld! Billy, I like dat feller Carpenter! I never met a feller like him before. You tink he vould let me go to see him in de jail?" "I'm sure he'd be glad to see you," I said; "if the jailers didn't object." "Sure, I fix de jailers all right!" "But T-S," I added, "I don't believe he'll sign any contract." "Contract nuttin'," said T-S. "I shoost vant to see him, Billy.

"So was the fillage when I leave him on the 5th of March, eighteen hundred and feefty. Now you shall see him shoost as I vill make him ven I go back." He took up another plan, beautifully drawn and colored, and evidently done by a professional hand. It was a practical, yet almost fairylike transformation of the same spot!

"Efer since I left dere, fifteen years ago." "But your father and mother may be dead by this time?" "So, but dere vill be odders. Und der blace it vill remain." "But all this will cost a fortune, and you are not sure" "I know shoost vot id vill gost, to a cend." "And you think you can ever afford to carry out your idea?" "I VILL affort id.