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Shepson waited to observe the result of this overwhelming announcement, and Stanwell, after a momentary halt of surprise, brought out laughingly: "But this is a Mungold. Is this what she calls being original?" "Shoost exactly," said Shepson, with unexpected acuteness. "That's vat dey all want something different from what all deir friends have got, but shoost like it all de same.

"Tat's a fine way of mine, when I can get behint a mon. I've killt mony a stot like it, shoost t' keep in the way of it." And he stabbed the air, twisted his wrist, and clicked delightedly. The men dumped the body near the fire. One of them stooped down and was for putting his hand in the man's pocket, but drew it back as if he had thrust it by mischance into the flames. Then I knew.

Five minutes later the telephone rang again, and I heard the magnate's voice: "Billy, dey say he's been bailed out!" "What?" I cried. "He declared he wouldn't have it done." "Somebody done it vitout askin' him! De money vas paid, and dey turned him out!" "Who did it?" "Guess!" "You mean it was you?" "I vouldn't 'a dared. I only shoost found out about it.

Wass he not here shoost now?" "Here? What fur?" The landlord was by this time beginning to feel a little disgusted at the man's boorish incivility. "Will you pe so coot as to tell me," he asked, "if Mister Safareen hass peen here?" "Not as I know of. Hain't seen him." Lapierre was astounded.

"Shoost so! It is a goot day! On der Suntay DREE men vill out go to valk mit demselluffs, and visky trinken. TWO," holding up two gigantic fingers, apparently only a shade or two smaller than his destined victims, "stay dere. Dose I lift de fence over."

Go away now and dell your men to coom dot house arount at halluff past dree. But YOU coom, mit yourselluff alone, shoost as if you vos spazieren gehen, for a valk, by dat fence at dree! Ven you shall dot front door vide open see, go in, and dere you vos! You vill der rest leef to me!"

Something of this was in my mind when we sat by the window of his handsomely furnished private office, overlooking the pines of a Californian canyon. I asked him if the scenery was like Switzerland. "Ach! no!" he replied; "but I vill puild a hotel shoost like dis dare." "Is that a part of your revenge?" I asked, with a laugh. "Ah! so! a bart."

Philip examined his ugly visage and strong crooked fore-arm, as he was waiting admittance, having pounded upon the door. "Yait a bit. I'll shoost put on my trowsers," shouted a voice from the window, and the door was soon opened by the yawning landlord. "Morgen! Didn't hear d' drain oncet. Dem boys geeps me up zo spate. Gom right in." Philip was shown into a dirty bar-room.