United States or Turks and Caicos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Thirteen pounds for this fine bullock; thirteen-five; thirteen-ten; thirteen-ten for this fine bullock; thirteen-ten; any further bids on thirteen-ten? why, it's worth that for the colour o't; thank ye, sir thirteen-fifteen; fourteen pounds; fourteen pounds for this fine bullock; see how the stot stots about the ring; that joke should raise him another half-sovereign; ah, I knew it would fourteen-five; fourteen-five for this fine bullock; fourteen-ten; no more than fourteen-ten for this fine bullock; going at fourteen-ten; gone Irrendavie."

SORNERS, sornars, sojourners, sturdy beggars, especially those unwelcome visitors who exact lodgings and victuals by force. SORTED, arranged, adjusted. SPEIR, ask, investigate. SPORRAN-MOLLACH, a Highland purse of goatskin. SPRACK, animated, lively. SPRING, a cheerful tune. SPURRZIE, spoil. STIEVE, stiff, firm. STIRK, a young steer or heifer. STOT, a bullock. STOUP, a jug, a pitcher.

''Ord hang it! roared Captain Guano, still fumbling at the leathers, 'I shall never be able to ride with stirrups in this state. 'Hang your stirrups! exclaimed Charley Slapp, shooting past him; adding, 'It was your saddle last time. Brick and Swipes quickly had all the hounds after him, and Stot, dropping his elbows, made for the road, to ride the second horse gently on the line.

The idea of composition, direct or implied, was absolutely ignominious; that of Waverley only showed that he did not understand the state of the country, and of the political parties which divided it; and, standing matters as they did with Fergus Mac-Ivor Vich Ian Vohr, the Baron would make no concession to him, were it, he said, 'to procure restitution in integrum of every stirk and stot that the chief, his forefathers, and his clan, had stolen since the days of Malcolm Canmore.

As he reined in his horse, he gave his cap an aerial sweep, taking off perpendicularly, and finishing at his horse's ears an example that was immediately followed by the whips, and also by Mr. Bragg's second horseman, Tom Stot. 'Good morning, Mister Bragg! Good morning, Mister Bragg! Good morning, Mister Bragg! burst from the assembled spectators: for Mr.

"This meeting bodes luck," said Cuddie; "and they hae walth o' beef, that's ae thing certain, for here's a raw hide that has been about the hurdies o' a stot not half an hour syne it's warm yet." Encouraged by these appearances, they returned again to the house, and, announcing themselves as men in the same predicament with the inmates, clamoured loudly for admittance.

Without vindictiveness, he forgave his enemies as soon as they were overthrown, and one of the last efforts of his life was to remove from the flag of a common country all records of victories that perpetuated the memory of civil strife. Foiled in this direction, I worried the President, as old Mustard would a stot, until he wrote the permission so long solicited.

I was bred at the West-Port, and my cantle will stand a clour wad bring a stot down." "Where does your master lodge?" "We pit up, an it like your honour," replied the Scot, "in a sma' house at the fit of ane of the wynds that gang down to the water-side, with a decent man, John Christie, a ship-chandler, as they ca't. His father came from Dundee.

The idea of composition, direct or implied, was absolutely ignominious; that of Waverley only showed that he did not understand the state of the country, and of the political parties which divided it; and, standing matters as they did with Fergus Mac-Ivor Vich Ian Vohr, the Baron would make no concession to him, were it, he said, to procure restitution IN INTEGRUM of every stirk and stot that the chief, his forefathers, and his clan, had stolen since the days of Malcolm Canmore.

It is but loath I am to poison our mirth with the name of the man Oscar; the deil will hae him to be brandered; he is fast grippit, except he be cast out as an orra-piece, like the smith in the Norroway tale. When ye are come to your own land, Mr. Johnson, ye will find that brockle-faced stot there afore you; and I trust ye will comb him weel.