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Updated: January 14, 2025

Where's that poor old Johnny? I left him with you when I rode forward to reconnoitre." The rough riders looked at one another, and hung their heads. "Guess he must have dropped behind," said Raynham. "We didn't wait long after you signalled to us to come on. We came." "That's so!" clamoured the rough riders, in sheepish chorus. "We came, Cap'n Jim. That's a fact!"

They remembered snatches of conversation and grim jests uttered by the Marats in Le Bouffay, which suddenly became clear, and the alarm spreading amongst them, they writhed and clamoured, screamed for mercy, cursed and raved. Blows were showered upon them. In vain was it sought to quiet them again with that fable of a fort to be constructed on Belle Isle.

Ted clamoured for a lesson at once, and was soon at ease in the queer saddle, finding Octoo gentle as a lamb, as he trotted away to show off at college. Bess came hastening down the hill, having seen the race from afar; and all collected on the piazza while Dan 'yanked' the cover off the big box the express had 'dumped' before the door to borrow his own words.

The partisans who arrogated to themselves the modest epithet of "The Company of All Good Men," clamoured noisily that "Liberty and Ancient Freedom" were in danger, if Cæsar set foot in Rome save as an impeached traitor. And the Populares the supporters of the proconsul raged equally fiercely against the greed of the Senate party that wished to perpetuate itself forever in office.

Emily's economical soul clamoured for Oxford Street. I stood out for Bond, and got my way. I meant to let Emily advise, but to sweep her aside if she perpetrated atrocities. The first shop, however, went to my head.

If no such room be provided, it should be clamoured for, because the waxing of Skis is a much more difficult job without it. The patent iron "Para" is helpful where no electric iron is provided. "Para" is an oblong perforated metal box with a handle which screws in. Almost any wax can be ironed in, but I think the hard black "Skiolin" is best for the purpose.

This brave officer, being restricted by his orders from obeying the dictates of his courage, seeing his best officers and men daily swept off by an outrageous distemper, and his ships exposed to inevitable destruction, is said to have died of a broken heart; while the people of England loudly clamoured against this unfortunate expedition, in which so many lives were thrown away, and so much money expended, without the least advantage to the nation.

Onward he pushed. "Presently he could make out the huts of a village. "'Thank God! he cried; but still he had no supper. "His empty stomach clamoured. His purse was empty also. The fiendish dogs of the village yelped at him. He paused discomfited. He called. "Widow Záïdah stood before her light. "'Who's there? "'A God-guest' "'In God's name, then, welcome! Silence there, curs!

Nor was I as much impressed as one would naturally expect by the whisper dropped in my ear that something was the matter with her wrists. But and now I must leap a year in my story there came a time when both of these facts recurred to my mind with startling distinctness and clamoured for explanation.

"I feel also as if there, in that hall, I found a refuge from all the warring contests in which no two seem to me in agreement as to the sort of government to be established in place of the present. The 'Liberty' clamoured for by one would cut the throat of the 'Liberty' worshipped by another.

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