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The last thing I done was to open the sideboa'd an' cut a piece o' pie an' eat it. I must o' had my glasses on then. I ricollec' it was sweet-potato pie, an' it was scorched on one side. Lordy! but what a pleasure it is to look for a thing when a person can look!" He crossed over to the sideboard. "Yas" he had opened the door and was cutting another piece of pie. "Yas.

It did seem a redic'lous part o' speech the first time he mentioned sech a thing to his mother, but a boy o' twelve couldn't be expected to know the difference between a mountain an' a mole-hill. I ricollec' he used to talk in his sleep consider'ble when he was a little chap, an' it always fretted wife turrible.

Ricollec' Jedge Robinson, he used to have one of 'em jest about the size o' this one two goblets an' a bowl an' when I'd go up to the house on a errand for pa, time pa was distric' coroner, the jedge's mother-in-law, ol' Mis' Meredy, she'd be settin' in the back room a-sewin, an' when the black gal would let me in the front door she'd sort o' whisper: 'Invite him to walk into the parlor and be seated. I'd overhear her say it, an' I'd turn into the parlor, an' first thing I'd see'd be that ice-pitcher.

Dey ain't no blinds in de world big enough to keep dat gal from shinin' her eyes at de boys!" "Is Carter about to die?" Sandy had become suddenly grave. "Yas, sir; so dey say. He's got somepin' that sounds lak tuberoses. Him and Mrs. Nelson and Miss Rufe never did git to Californy. Dey stopped off in Mobile or Injiany, I can't ricollec' which.

Seemed to me everything about her was fat an' chubby, thess like herself. Ricollec', one day, she dropped her satchel, an' out rolled the fattest little dictionary I ever see, an' when I see it, seem like she couldn't nachelly be expected to tote no other kind.

Sweet-potato pie, an' burnt on one side the side thet's left. Yas, an' I'll leave it ag'in!" He chuckled as he took a deep bite. "Of co'se I must 'a' had 'em on when I cut the pie, or I couldn't 've saw it so distinc' 'an I finished that slice a-settin' down talkin' to her at the sewin'-machine. Ricollec' I told her how mother used to put cinnamon in hers.

D'yew remember ?" She laid her hand on his arm, and lifted her gaze, growing clouded and wistful, to his face. "When we bought the chair, we thought mebbe some day I'd be rocking a leetle baby in it. 'T was then, yew ricollec', we sorter got in the habit of callin' each other 'father' an' 'mother. I wonder ef the young 'uns had come " "Le' 's hurry," interrupted Abe almost gruffly.

"I tell yer, Marse John," he resumed, after a thoughtful pause, "dey's one word o' ole marster's I don'no' huccome it slipped my min', but hit was a long glorified word, an' I often wishes hit'd come back ter me. Ef I could ricollec' dat word, hit'd holp me powerful in my preachin'. "Wonder ef you wouldn't call out a few dic'sh'nary words fur me, please, sir? Maybe you mought strike it."

I ricollec' when she seen 'im she took her little one-year-old finger an' teched 'im on the forehead, an' she says, says she, "Howdy?" thess that-a-way. I remember we all thought it was so smart. Seemed like ez ef she reelized thet he had thess arrived an' she had thess learned to say "Howdy," an' she up an' says it. An' she's ap' at speech yet, so Sonny says.

I ricollec' thess ez well when gran'pa planted that oak saplin'. My pa he helt it stiddy an' I handed gran'pa the spade, an' we took off our hats whilst he repeated a Bible tex'. Yes, that ol' oak was religiously planted, an' we've tried not to offend its first principles in no ways du'in' the years we've nurtured it.