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Updated: August 21, 2024

After a world of unnecessary trouble she recollects that it was Tomkins, and is delighted; only to be plunged again into despair on discovery that she has forgotten his address. This makes her so ashamed of herself she declines to continue, and full of self- reproach she retires to her own room. Later she re-enters, beaming, with the street and number pat.

Clytemnestra is alone in her house, preparing a caldron for the burial; Electra and the chorus are on the stage; the son the avenger, is within; suddenly the cries of Clytemnestra are heard. Again again! Orestes re-enters a parricide! He retires as Aegisthus is seen approaching; and the adulterous usurper is now presented to us for the first and last time the crowning victim of the sacrifice.

Montagu re-enters the House of Commons His miserliness Pope refers to it Comments on Society Lady Mary and a first-class scandal Rémond His admiration for her Her imprudent letters to him The South Sea Bubble Lady Mary speculates for Remond She loses money for him He demands to be re-imbursed He threatens to publish her letters She states the case in letters to Lady Mar Lady Mary meets Pope His letters to her when she was abroad He affects to be in love with her Her matter-of-fact replies Her parody of his verses, "On John Hughes and Sarah Drew"

To-day, in the midst of hilarity and all unannounced, “companydid appear. We subsided like a schoolroom when the teacher suddenly re-enters. A batch of women, escorted by one of the management. He gesticulated and explained. I could not catch his words, for the noise of the presses, though goodness knows I craned my ears. They investigated everything.

Thoroughly disturbed and excited, with all his own passion surging heavily through his blood, and her last sentence that he does not understand any more than he understands his own cruelty ringing in his ears, he hesitates a minute, and then re-enters the dining-room, shuts to the door, and walks savagely up and down. "Extraordinary girl!" he mutters. "What does she want? What can I do?

The idolater falls upon his knees before a statue, in which he believes there resides some concealed virtue, some powerful quality, which he judges may be either useful or prejudicial to himself; but that subtle reasoner, called a metaphysician, who in consequence of his unintelligible science, believes he has a right to laugh at the savage, to deride the Laplander, to scoff at the negro, to ridicule the idolater, doth not perceive that he is himself prostrate before a being of his own imagination, of which it is impossible he should form to himself any correct idea, unless, like the savage, he re-enters into visible nature, to clothe him with qualities capable of being brought within the range of his comprehension.

"A hot and dusty day!" cry the poor pilgrims as they wipe their begrimed foreheads and woo the doubtful breeze which the river bears along with it. "Awful hot! Dreadful dusty!" answers the sympathetic toll-gatherer. They start again to pass through the fiery furnace, while he re-enters his cool hermitage and besprinkles it with a pail of briny water from the stream beneath.

Gripping is the appeal of the sharp cry almost of anguish into which the toiling energy is suddenly resolved. Again the fateful march enters, now in heroic fugue of brass and opposite motion of strings and reed, all overwhelmed with wild recurring pangs of regret. The cheerier melody here re-enters and raises the mood for the nonce. Soon it falls amid dim harmonies.

Exit James, and presently re-enters, bending under the load of two huge leathern bags, full of papers to the brim, and labelled on the greasy backs with the magic impress of the clerks of court, and the title, PEEBLES AGAINST PLAINSTANES. This huge mass was deposited on the table, and my father, with no ordinary glee in his countenance, began to draw out; the various bundles of papers, secured by none of your red tape or whipcord, but stout, substantial casts of tarred rope, such as might have held small craft at their moorings.

The air which then first re-enters the flask will thus come into contact with the heated glass and the heated liquid, so as to destroy the vitality of any dust germs that may exist in the air. The air itself will re-enter very gradually, and slowly enough to enable any dust to be taken up by the drop of water which the air forces up the curvature of the tube.

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