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Ce general toujours surpris, Qu'a regret le jeune Louis Vit sans culottes en Italie, Courir pour derober sa vie Aux Germains, guerriers impolis. this General wished to investigate your Comte Dufour, foreign Count, who the instant he arrives sets about inviting people to supper that are perfect strangers.

"I feel that if my birthplace crowns me, In place of singing. . . I should weep!" After Jasmin had recited his touching poem, he affectionately took leave of his friends, and the assembly dispersed. There is a Gascon proverb which says: "Qu'a vingt ans nouns po, Qu'a trent ans noun sa, Qu'a cranto noun er, Qu'a cincanto se paouso pa, Sabe pa que pot esper."

There is something infinitely pathetic in the epitaph this much-loved and successful woman wrote for herself when she felt that the end was near: Ici git Arthenice, exempte des rigueurs Don't la rigueur du sort l'a touours poursuivie. Et si tu veux, passant, compter tous ses malheurs, Tu n'aura qu'a, compter les moments de sa vie. The spirit of unrest is there beneath the calm exterior.

M. de Baville, intendant du Languedoc, avoit un secretaire fort bete: il se servoit un jour de lui pour ecrire au ministre sur des affaires tres importantes et dicta ces mots: "Ne soyez point surpris de ce que je me sers d'une main etrangere pour vous ecrire sur cet objet. Mon secretaire est si bete qu'a ce moment meme il ne s'appercoit pas que je vous parle de lui."

Lady Cecilia tried to relieve her; she would have done better to have let it alone, for Beauclerc was not of the French wit's opinion that, La modestie n'est bonne qu'a quinze ans, and to him it appeared only a graceful timidity. Helen retired earlier than any one else, and, when she thought over her foolish awkwardness, felt as much ashamed as if Mr.

Prétendu Connoiseur qui sur l'Antique glose, Idolatrant le hom, sans connoitre la Chose, Vrai Peste des beaux Arts, sans Gout sans Equité, Quitez ce ton pedant, ce mépris affecté, Pour tout ce que le Tems n'a pas encore gaté. Ne peus tu pas, en admirant Les Maitres de la Grece, ceux d l'Italie Rendre justice également A ceux qu'a nourris ta Patrie?

Aux mains seules, ils m'ont applique le feu et le fer plus de 18 fois, et i'etais oblige de chanter pendant ce supplice. Ils ne cessaient de me tourmenter qu'a une ou deux heures de la nuit." Bressani, Relation Abregee, 122. Bressani speaks in another passage of tortures of a nature yet more excruciating. He adds, that past ages have never heard of such.

Seriously, they were glad to see you?" "Enchanted. It has been the proudest day of my life. Never, never have I been so lionized! I assure you, I was cock of the walk. My dear sister," said the young man, "nous n'avons qu'a nous tenir; we shall be great swells!" Madame Munster looked at him, and her eye exhibited a slight responsive spark.

Someone composed a song which finished thus: 'Un mari sage et commode N'ouvre les yeux qu'a demi II vaut mieux etre a la mode, Que de voir Mississippi. And such is, doubtless, the most solid lesson to be derived from the example given by Quonion the cook. "As to the story itself, it only needs to be narrated by a Petronius or by an Apuleius to equal the best Milesian fables.

I received a letter yesterday from Madame Monconseil, who assures me you have gained ground 'du cote des maniires', and that she looks upon you to be 'plus qu'a moitie chemin'. I am very glad to hear this, because, if you are got above half way of your journey, surely you will finish it, and not faint in the course.