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As to Saturne in Italie, to Iupiter in Candie, to Iuno in Samos, to Bacchus in India, and at Thebes: to Isis, and Osiris in Egypte: in old Troie to Vesta: aboute Tritona in Aphrique, to Pallas, in Germanie and Fraunce to Mercurie, vnder the name of Theuthe: to Minerua at Athenes and Himetto, to Apollo in Delphos, Rhodes, Chio, Patara, Troade and Tymbra.

Remember?" And so naturally they fell to recounting the splendid catches of the gamiest fish in water. When the interest in this waned, Hillard looked at his watch. "Only nine," he said. "Let's go over to Gambrinus' and hear the music." "And drink a boot of beer. Better than moping here." The Hotel Italie was but a few blocks from the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele.

"Hah!" monsieur cried, "those cunning pewblisher'! they pref-er not to tell." "Some poetry," Chester continued, urged by mademoiselle's eyes, "doesn't pay the poets over a few thousand a year per volume; while some novels pay their authors well fortunes." "That they go," madame broke in, "and buy some palaces in Italie!

And further whosoeuer hee bee that is but meanely affected in Religion, as of necessitie becommeth euery ordinarie man and good Christian to be, cannot but be agrieued in his heart to consider, that his children and seruants whom hee desireth to haue well brought vp, are in these trades of Spaine and Portugall, and all Italie, forced to denie their owne profession, and to acquaint themselues with that which the Parents and Masters doe vtterly deny and refuse, yea which many of them doe in their owne hearts abhorre as a detestable and most wicked doctrine.

Læflingii Petri iter Hispanicum. Stockholm, 1758. 8vo. This work, originally published in Swedish, was translated by C. Linnæus into German, under the following title: Reise nach den Spanischen Landern in Europa und Amerika, 1751 56. Berlin, 1776. 8vo. It is chiefly valuable for its natural history information. Voyage en Amérique, en Italie, en Sicile, et en Egypte, 1816 19. 2 vols. 8vo.

"You speak English," said Merrihew, in an ugly temper, half regretting that he had interfered with Hillard. "You may send your orderly to the Hotel Italie to-morrow morning, and your saber will be given to him. You will not carry it back to Florence to-night. Now, it is time to excuse yourself. We can get along without you nicely." The prince tore at his mustaches.

This is the minister of finance, whose measures of economy were so much ridiculed by the Parisians, and from whom the portraits, called Silhouettes, took their name: his travels indicate considerable acquaintance with the arts and political affairs. Lettres sur différens Sujets, écrites pendant le Cours d'un Voyage en Allemagne, en Suisse, dans la France Meridionelle, et en Italie. Par Bernouilli.

As for those partes which lie West and to the Southwardes, it may well bee hoped they will yeeld Wines with a small helpe, since the grapes doe growe there of themselues alreadie very faire and in great abundance. Oliues being once planted, will yeelde the like Oyle as Spaine, Prouince and Italie.

"But I am afraid," says Ascham, "that over many of our travellers unto Italy do not eschew the way to Circe's Court: but go and ryde and runne and flie thether, they make great hast to cum to her; they make great sute to serve her: yea, I could point out some with my finger that never had gone out of England, but onlie to serve Circes in Italie.

He left it, and went down to the reading-room, as it was labelled over the door, in homage to a predominance of English-speaking people among the guests; but there was no fire there; that was kindled only by request, and he shivered at the bare aspect of the apartment, with its cold piano, its locked bookcases, and its table, where the London Times, the Neue Freie Presse of Vienna, and the Italie of Rome exposed their titles, one just beyond the margin of the other.