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Its place had been pre-empted by Argus-eyed regard for all matters affecting the preservation of Mr. Podmore's precious epidermis the safety of his own skin. And Hughey Podmore was well aware that a large contribution to campaign funds by a construction company would be a matter of immediate suspicion among opponents of the Government if it became known.

"We're all in this together, J. C., and that's why I insisted on you being here to see that everything is according to Hoyle." "Aint getting cold feet already are you?" An easy laugh was Mr. Podmore's only rejoinder to this insult. They both watched Alderson, who had swung open the door of the safe and was reaching into its depths.

He was running true to form and Phil grinned as he thought of the surprise that lay awaiting in the hollow stump beside the tank at the Thorlakson siding. It would be worth something to see the expression on Podmore's face when he opened that fake envelope of Wade's with its bogus bills. Well, he could eliminate Podmore for the present. What now?

Is he in?" It was a little thing to arouse Podmore's ire. Ordinarily Hugh Podmore was an excellent secretary; but the caller's refusal to state his business or produce his credentials for inspection angered him. He was used to this extreme anxiety of visitors to see the Chief in person; it was a characteristic of the job-hunting crowd. "The President's out of town," he said irritably.

Wade, he knew, had had friction with the present administration over certain legislation; that was sufficient motive for him taking a hand, although it was hardly likely that a man of Wade's standing would allow himself to become involved in such back-alley tactics unless Nickleby the Interprovincial ! Podmore's thoughts were not running as clearly as usual.

That had been a delicate touch making Nickleby carry the key to the satchel across to Ferguson's office. The key to satchel number two, it was! Nickleby had been on hand throughout. Oh, they had nothing on Hughey Podmore in this thing, absolutely noth ! Podmore's cigarette teetered on his lower lip. With a sudden lunge he grabbed for the tan satchel on the table.

"'Itchy' McGuire called to see me day before yesterday. He's met Rives. If I were you I'd hunt me up a nice little island somewhere in the Tropics where you can live with the rest of the monkeys; they might elect you to Parliament or crown you king or something. Rives is one bad actor and he's sore good and sore." Podmore's attempted laugh had no mirth in it.

Podmore's theory, hallucination. Podmore adds another English case, presently to be noted, and a German one. Before criticising this explanation, let us give the English affair, alluded to by Mr. Podmore. The most curious modern case known to me is not of recent date, but it occurred in full daylight, in the presence of many witnesses, and the phenomena continued for weeks.

"That's all right, Bob," laughed Wade good naturedly. "Thanks, Hughey," as his secretary handed him the envelope. "Why, what's the matter?" Podmore's face had gone suddenly white and he was trembling visibly. "Aint you feelin' well, Hughey?" enquired Cranston with concern. He rang quickly for highballs. "It's all right, thanks," stammered Podmore hastily.

Podmore's gaze dropped in time and when he raised his eyes casually from his magazine it was to note an expression of satisfaction upon the faces of both gentlemen. They got up and came inside, laughing rather loudly. "That there steak and onions Taylor's cookin' is sure goin' to hit the spot," cried Cranston, sniffing with relish. "Eh, Hughey?"