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Seat not yourself voluntarily at the top; but if the place properly belongs to you, or the master of the house so wills, do not offer so much resistance to its acceptance as to annoy the company. 107th. Si on lit ou deuise en table, soyez attentif, & s'il faut parler, ne parlez point auec le morceau en la bouche.

He never married my mother, though he was faithful to her all his life. But for me she paused, shaking her head slowly. 'Well, I had an elder sister that says everything. Faut pas en parler; it makes melancholy, and one must keep up one's spirits when one is like this. It is three years since she died; she was my father's favourite.

"When did you forget it, Mr. Carter?" "The day you were buried," I rejoined. "I see. Well, you said then what you couldn't possibly have meant." "I dare say. I often did." "That they were " "That what were?" "Why, the the what we're talking about." "What we were ? Oh, to be sure, the the blemishes?" "Yes, the blemishes. You said they were the most " "Oh, well, it was a facon de parler."

went down in the parler and there got my boy and did beat him till I was fain to take breath two or three times, yet for all I am afeard it will make the boy never the better, he is grown so hardened in his tricks, which I am sorry for, he being capable of making a brave man, and is a boy that I and my wife love very well.

* "On sait que chez les Athéniens, les auteurs jouaient souvent dans leurs pieces, et qu'ils n'etoient point déshonorés pour parler avec grace devant leurs concitoyens." In arriving at this decision, however, it will be remarked that one simple but important proviso or condition is indicated not to be dishonoured they must speak with grace, that is, effectively.

Je suis si honteux de ce qui se passe en France que je n'ose pas vous en parler, et je me borne a vous serrer bien cordialement la main. The Journal then notes: The year began at Foxholes. The Ogilvies there for three weeks. Came to London on January 3rd. February 4th. Sir Henry Maine died at Cannes. A great loss. March 5th. The railroad from Brockenhurst to Christchurch opened.

And I had to stand there and hear him say it! He told me afterwards that it was only a facon de parler, but I was angry. I simply shook with anger, the radiator was boiling, too, and one of the tires burst with rage." "And I suppose the petrol pipe was choked with emotion." "And the engine almost throttled in consequence. But that is another story.

In fact, the sport lies at the very door. This may be said to be literally true and not a facon de parler, as I once killed an elk that jumped through a window. It was a singular incident. The hounds found three elk at the same time on the mountain at the back of the hotel at Newera Ellia.

When Anderson calls Moses a Grand Master, Joshua his Deputy, and Aholiab and Bezaleel Grand Wardens, the expression is to be looked upon simply as a façon de parler, a mode of speech entirely figurative in its character, and by no means intended to convey the idea which is entertained in respect to officers of that character in the present system.

It is much eesier to talk than write and much more fun. The brick house looks just the same as you have told us. The parler is splendid and gives YOU creeps and chills when you look in the door. The furnature is ellergant too, and all the rooms but there are no good sitting-down places exsept in the kitchen. The same cat is here but they never save the kittens and the cat is too old to play with.