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Nicholson will be around shortly. I told him he would find me at home." "Had you not better wait for him, then?" "Oh, no. I only told him I should be at home as a sort of facon de parler. He only comes when he thinks I am there admirable person and I know you like to have old friends about. Good-by, dear." "Good-by." She accepted his kiss listlessly, and when he had gone went back to the window.

went down in the parler and there got my boy and did beat him till I was fain to take breath two or three times, yet for all I am afeard it will make the boy never the better, he is grown so hardened in his tricks, which I am sorry for, he being capable of making a brave man, and is a boy that I and my wife love very well.

It was first applied to general assemblies in France during the reign of Louis the Seventh; and the earliest mention of it in England is in the preamble to the statute of Westminster in 1272. It is derived from the French word parler, to speak. 'Then, said Miss Gwynne, 'there must be some truth in what I have heard, that the first parliament was composed of women.

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, N'ayant pas eu le plaisir de vous rencontrer depuis mon retour d'Espagne, j'ai passe samedi chez vous pour vous parler d'une affaire que j'aurais prefere traiter de vive voix. Ne vous ayant pas trouve, il me faut aujourd'hui avoir recours a la plume, car le temps presse.

This great temple was many years a-building, and is not completed yet. Great men devoted their labours to this glorious fane: Peter Parler and his son John, Beneš of Loun and others were among the master-builders, while many artists, goldsmiths and other craftsmen famous in their day contributed to the decoration of "the Father's House."

An expression of fussiness came into his sleepy face. He spoke at once to the landlady, a tall, thick-set woman of forty with very dark hair and a slight moustache, and explained that he required the whole room for himself, and that the door was to be shut and no one else was to be admitted, "parce que nous avons a parler. Oui, fai beaucoup a vous dire, chere amie.

In this form it is supposed they were sung or recited at the feasts of princes and knights in their baronial halls. The following specimen of the language and style of Robert de Beauvais, who flourished in 1257, is from Sir Walter Scott's "Introduction to the Romance of Sir Tristrem": "Ne voil pas emmi dire, Ici diverse la matyere, Entre ceus qui solent cunter, E de le cunte Tristran parler."

In the end she promised a great reward to my keeper for the custody of me one night, who for gaine of a little money accorded to her desire, and when I had supped in a Parler with my Master, we departed away and went into our Chamber, where we found the faire Matron, who had tarried a great space for our comming: I am not able to recite unto you how all things were prepared: there were foure Eunuches that lay on a bed of downe on the ground with Boulsters accordingly for us to lye on, the Coverlet was of cloth of Gold, and the pillowes soft and tender, whereon the delicate Matron had accustomed to lay her head.

This morning came workmen to begin the making of me a new pair of stairs up out of my parler, which, with other work that I have to do, I doubt will keep me this two months and so long I shall be all in dirt; but the work do please me very well. To the office, and there all the morning, dined at home, and after dinner comes Mr.

Even your husband but then he is known to be a confirmed liberal!" Valentina Mihailovna sat up straight. "What do I hear? You opposed to the government, Monsieur Kollomietzev? "I not in the least! Never! What an idea! Mais j'ai mon franc parler. I occasionally allow myself to criticise, but am always obedient." "And I, on the contrary, never criticise and am never obedient." "Ah!