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How'd you feel if you'd read and read all about the wonderful things of Nature, and never seen them, and then, all of a sudden, you found yourself out in a world full of trees, and flowers, and mountains, and woods, and skitters, and neches, and air God's pure air, and with muscles so strong you could take a ten foot jump, and all the wonderful things you'd read about going on around you, such as fighting, murdering, and bugs and things, and folks who figger they're every sort of fellers, and aren't, and and all that?

"It was a bunch of neches I'd have thought your outfit could have eaten. A poor lot sure." He finished up with a deliberate laugh, and his intention was obvious. Kars understood, and did not display the least resentment. "I'm glad," he said seriously. "Real glad." Then he added: "I didn't guess you'd have a heap of trouble." He turned to the women.

It ain't that play set him crazy to make Bell River with an outfit to lick a bunch of scallawag neches. No, sir. He's wise to the value of dollars in a world where there's nothing much else counts. There ain't no joy to life without 'em. An' you just can't live life without joy.

They crossed many large streams, among which may be mentioned the Neches and Trinity of Texas. On the "divide," between the Trinity and Brazos rivers, an adventure befell them that came near having a painful result. In hot weather it was their custom to halt during the noon hours, both to refresh themselves and rest their animals.

Then there were two neches squatting on the bank crouching over a small fire smoking their red clay pipes in silent contemplation. Jessie recognized the neches at a glance. "Why, Murray must be back or " Kars turned abruptly. "They're Murray's? Say " He glanced up at the hill which stood over them. A well-beaten path led up through the pine woods. Jessie understood the drift of his thought.

I've got to get out a while, or or things are going to bust. Do you know how I feel? Do you get me? I'll be crazy with six months more of this Fort, and these rotten neches. Gee! When I think how John Kars has lived, and where he's lived, it gets me beat seeing him hunting the long trail in these back lands." Murray's smile had returned. But it was encouraging and friendly, and lacked all fixity.

The door was flung wide from within, and the blear eyes of Nicol peered out into the night-light. In a moment an exclamation of recognition broke from him. "Alroy!" he cried. "'Tough' Alroy!" Then something of gladness at the prospect of companionship lit his eyes with a happier light. "Say, come right in," he invited, almost boisterously. "I'll send along some neches to see to your darn train."

I don't know. Why are these Bell River neches always shooting up their neighbors, and any one else? How comes it Allan Mowbray died worth half a million dollars on a fur trade? What was he doing on Bell River when he got killed?" It was a wide flat stretch of grass, a miniature table-land, set high up overlooking the broken territory of the Bell River forge. It was bleak.

I figger we've lit right on top of a big secret here, and well, I don't fancy being bluffed out of it by any low-down bum of a half-breed. That feller wants to be quit of us. He's bluffing. We've hit the camp with the neches out. Do you get that? If they'd bin around we wouldn't have seen any Louis Creal. We'd have had all the lead poisoning the neches could have handed us.

He's the partner of the feller the neches murdered up at Fort Mowbray, on the Snake River. Sure, that explains it. Oh, yes. The folks up that way are up against it. The neches are pretty darn bad." He laughed. "Guess he's out for a war of extermination with such an outfit as that." "Seems like it." The skipper went on eating for some moments in silence. His curiosity was satisfied.