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Updated: August 21, 2024

It was a fine, cold day, an' the snow was good an' hard, an' I set out to hunt an old bull moose that was runnin' with its mates in the location. I took two neches with me, an' we had a slap-up time fer nigh on to a week. We hunted them moose hard the whole time, but never came up wi' 'em. Then it came on to storm, an' we pitched camp in a thick pine forest.

"That's where the neches beat us every time. You need to sit at a pow-wow." "Sure. Their wise men sit most all the time." They moved over to the tree trunk, and Ross accepted the extreme base of it and sat with his back against the up-torn roots. Steve sat astride the trunk facing him. Then by a common impulse the men produced their pipes.

But the story's right enough. Brand Marcel Brand and his pardner traded here with Lorson more than twenty years back. He came from God knows where, an' he just went right back to the same place. Then him an' his pardner got done up. The darn Eskimos, or neches, or ha'f-breeds, shot 'em both up to small chunks.

Her defense in the Neches case, however, was viewed as weakened by her citing Germany's violations of international law to excuse her extension of old blockade principles to the peculiar circumstances of the present war.

So he just blamed the neches, and let if go at that. He handled the proposition himself. There was Alec. He didn't guess it would be good Alec butting in. Alec, for all he's Jessie's brother, wasn't bright. He might get killed even. He'd be in the way anyway. So he got him clear of the Fort. Then he got a free hand. He shipped in an arsenal of weapons, and he's going to outfit a big force.

"Yet you come up this river with just three neches," he cried. "You make rapids that would hold me guessing, for all the outfit of Eskimo I carry. You'll beat it back south to your home against a two mile stream with a deadly winter hard on your moccasined heels. I just want to laff. You're scared! Why, get a look right out there, just as far as you can see.

Then, as an afterthought, "But he ain't showin' 'em." Tresler looked up and studied the cadaverous face before him. "You mean about " "Wal, I wus jest figgerin' on how you wus standin'. Seems likely you're standin' lookin' east wi' a feller due west who's got the drop on yer; which, to my reckonin', ain't as safe as handin' trac's to a lodge o' Cheyenne neches on the war-path."

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