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"Dot I vill!" said the German savagely, "I giv you two huntered tolars for der names of der men vat dot Poozy mitout der law registers!" "I aint no copper!" cried The Croak, angrily. "Wot you wants ter do is ter get elected, doncher?" "Vell, how vas I get elected mit wotes vat vas for der udder mans cast, hey?" "You can't," said The Croak, "dey aint no doubt 'bout dat."

He could hear the rebel Captain talking to his men, and every moment the accents of the voice became more familiar. "Don't vaste your shods," he was saying. "Don'd vire undil you sees somedings to shood ad, unt den vire to hid. See how many shods you haf alretty vired mitout doing no goot. You must dink dat ammunition's as blenty as vater in de Southern Confederacy.

The rendition was cold, but correct, and he emphasized the note he had taken exception to. "Dot p is p natural, und not p vlat. Py der vay, you petter pe glad I meet you. Von hour later, und I vould half to put you in a gage to vistle mit der chail pirds. Der orders are to bull all der pums after sunrise." "To which?" "To bull der pums eferybody mitout fisible means.

"I vork und vork mine head off keeping you fellers filled oop tree times a day alreatty; I not vork und vork to feed you effery hour, py cosh. You go mitout till supper iss reaty for you yet." Big Medicine, his frog-like eyes standing out from his sun-reddened face, stared agape. "Well, by cripes!"

"Do you mean those you are now riding?" asked Hendrik. "No, not these, but five other horses, no, three horses and two mares, all mitout either sattles or pridles; one red horse mit one eye and a white poot on the left behind leg, one mare mit a star on the front of his head, und "

With redoubled earnestness he held her back, whispering, "Do not go mitout the little word, Yes, or No; it is not much to say." "Well then, No!" "You mean it? Dolly! truly mean it?" "Yes, let me go at once, sir." Mr.

"I'm sure he wouldn't," said Bob. "I know he wants the car and he wants you to drive it. I heard him say that positively." "This iss terrible," repeated Heinrich. "What will they do mitout me?" "Who?" "My friends." "It's too bad," said Bob, more convinced every moment that mischief was afoot that evening. "I don't know what you can do about it though."

"If, as you say, the package was laid on the safe and never removed by you, somebody must have taken it away." "Of course, somepody tock it," remarked Mr. Swartz. "How te tevil could it go mitout it vash taken away py somepody?" "Do you suspect any one of having stolen it," asked the clerk, turning as white as the shirt he wore. "Did you ever come near de safe to-day," asked Mr. Swartz, abruptly.

Are you trying to hog the whole bench?" "Not when Swipes is around," was the retort. "I'll leave that to him." "Half-ton benches are a little out of my line," laughed the newcomer, as he found room at the table. "Bring me a rarebit, Adolph, and don't leave out the cheese." "No, sir, Mr. Morton! Ho! ho! Dot's a goot vun! A rarebit mitout der cheese! Ach!

"Stand back!" shouted his parent. "You do not know so well as me; dere is dandger. Mitout attention he will eggsplode." "I want to play with ut," protested August, beginning to cry. "Ach, soh; you cry, bube!" vociferated Mr. Sieppe. "Mommer," addressing Mrs. Sieppe, "he will soh soon be ge-whipt, eh?" "I want my boa-wut," screamed August, dancing. "Silence!" roared Mr. Sieppe.