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Instantly Mr. Sieppe boxed his ears. There was a lamentable scene. August rent the air with his outcries; his father shook him till his boots danced on the jetty, shouting into his face: "Ach, idiot! Ach, imbecile! Ach, miserable! I tol' you he eggsplode. Stop your cry. Stop! It is an order. Do you wish I drow you in der water, eh? Speak. Silence, bube! Mommer, where ist mein stick?

'Asked? Prayed, as one prays upon Atonement Day. For two years I prayed to him, but he always refused. 'Then why ? began the artist. 'Yossel is so proud. It is his only sin. 'Oh, Yenta! protested Yossel flushing, 'I am a very sinful man. 'Yes, but your sin is all in a lump, the Bube replied.

It was true that the books he returned were not Hebrew treatises, but he smiled again to think that the name of Yossel's volume signified 'the duties of the heart. The Bube Yenta received the book with thanks, and a moment of embarrassment ensued, only slightly mitigated by the offer of the snuffbox.

Like the chiefs of Porto Novo, the despot of Dahome, the rulers of many Nigerian tribes, and even the Fernandian "Bube," these potentates may not look at the sea nor at the river. The linguist becomes more powerful than the chief, who is wholly in his power, and always receives the best presents.

Esther had a vivid picture flashed upon her of poor, yellow hook-shaped souls floating sullenly back towards the flames. Solomon's chief respect for his father sprang from the halo of military service encircling Moses ever since it leaked out through the lips of the Bube, that he had been a conscript in Russia and been brutally treated by the sergeant.

On rare Sunday afternoons the Ansell family minus the Bube toiled there and back en masse, Moses carrying Isaac and Sarah by turns upon his shoulder.

'Why else did you refuse my money? the Bube retorted. 'Twice, ten, twenty times I asked him to go to Palestine with me. But obstinate as a pig he keeps grunting "I can't I've got no money." Sooner than I should pay his fare he'd have seen us both die here. The artist collapsed upon the bundle; astonishment, anger, and self-ridicule made an emotion too strong to stand under.

Solomon and Rachel, irrepressibly excited by the sight of the bread, rushed at it greedily, snatched a loaf from Esther's hand, and tore off a crust each with their fingers. "Heathen," cried the old grandmother. "Washing and benediction." Solomon was used to being called a "heathen" by the Bube.

Solomon looked out of the corner of his eyes at his Bube, and, seeing she was asleep on the bed, said he had, and kicked Esther significantly but hurtfully under the table. "Then you had better say your night-prayer."

The look of comparative civilization about these domiciles, doubtless the effect of the Portuguese and the slave trade, distinguishes them from the barbarous circular huts of the Kru-men, the rude clay walls of the Gold Coast, and the tattered, comfortless sheds of the Fernandian "Bube."