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Lord save us! whether they was drownt at t'bottom i' the sump, or killt afore they got theer theer's no one knows yet They're getten of 'em up now." And as she spoke, a great shout which became a groan ran through the crowd. Men climbed up the railings at the side of the road that they might see better. Women stood on tiptoe.

And noo gien ye dinna believe me I winna answer a single question mair ye put to me. I hae been tellin ye no God's trowth, it's true, but the deevil's and it's no use, for ye winna believe a word o' 't! Phemy rose up a pygmy Fury. 'And ye laid han' to cheek o' that king o' men, Kirsty Barclay? Lord, haud me ohn killt her! Little hauds me frae riven ye to bits wi' my twa han's!

A light was burning in the cottage, but Malcolm would seek shelter for him anywhere rather than with her, and, in terror of her quick ears, caught him up in his arms like a child, and hurried away with him to Miss Horn s. "Eh sirs!" exclaimed Miss Horn, when she opened the door for Jean was among the merrymakers "wha 's this 'at 's killt noo?" "It's the laird Mr Stewart," returned Malcolm.

He had jist killt himsel savin at Phemy, rinnin and fechtin on, upo' the barest chance o' savin her life; and sae whan he set off again to gang til her, no bidin for me, he was that forfouchten 'at he hed a bluid-brak in 's breist, and was jist able, and nae mair, to creep intil the weem oot o' the snaw. He didna like the place, and yet had a kin' o' a notion o' the bonny man bein there whiles.

Come up now, I beg of you, and watch with me. He might die at any moment." And Meynell put out his hand kindly toward the woman standing in the shadow, as though to lead her. But she stepped backward. "I know what I'm about," she said, breathing quick. "He made a fule o' me wi' that wanton Lizzie Short, and he near killt me the last morning afore he went.

Hae ye killt yer moose yet? Ye've been chasin' him these mony years." "Not much murdering," replied Hemenway. "I had a queer trip this time away up the Nepissiguit, with old McDonald. You know him, don't you?" "Fine do I ken Rob McDonald, an' a guid mon he is. Hoo was it that ye couldna slaughter stacks o' moose wi' him to help ye? Did ye see nane at all?"

En eben den he did n' hol' on long ernuff; fer w'en he tu'nt de cunjuh man loose en he fell ober on de flo', de cunjuh man rollt his eyes at Dan, en sezee: "'I's eben wid you, Brer Dan, en you er eben wid me; you killt my son en I killt yo' 'oman.

What's happent till him? Is he droont, or killt? The Lord preserve's! She'll dee o' 't." "Na, lass. It's a hantle waur nor a' that." In no other way than as torture could she conceive of worse than being killed. "Ye gar me grue," said Mrs Constable, with a shudder.

"Yas, sub, I'll 'member her; dat's all I kin do now. I don' need ter wait fer her no mo', fer she died dis mo'nin'. I'd lack ter see her buried, suh, but I may not have de chance. Ef I gits killt, will you do me a favor?" "Yes, Josh; what is it?" "Ef I should git laid out in dis commotion dat's gwine on, will you collec' my wages f'm yo' brother, and see dat de ole 'oman is put away right?"

"Wen Dan seed de cunjuh man wuz in a good humor en did n' 'pear ter bear no malice, Dan 'lowed mebbe de cunjuh man had n' foun' out who killt his son, en so he 'termine' fer ter let on lack he did n' know nuffin, en so sezee: "'Hoddy, Unk' Jube? dis ole cunjuh man's name wuz Jube. 'I 's p'utty well, I thank you. How is you feelin' dis mawnin'?