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"I wanted ter mek sure that I could get a daybreak start in the morning. I hain't nobody's sugar ner salt that I kain't stir abroad without meltin', be I?" "We saw that your pack was gone too and we 'lowed " began Halloway, but she interrupted him with a curt explanation. "Thet shack war leakin' like a sieve. I didn't aim ter hev all my belongin's mildewed an' rusted so I left 'em at ther store."

She regarded the question as a quite legitimate one. "No, I kain't say as I did, exackly," she replied. "But they come anosin' round, an' to teach 'em a lesson to keep ther noses out o' other people's hens' nests I shook a little pepper over 'em. I tell ye, they took to the woods, asneezin' that bad I thought ye might 'a' heard 'em all the way over here.

"Partly ye're talkin' from conscience thet don't traffic ner barter with no evil, Dorothy," he made sober response, "an' partly, too, ye're talkin', woman-fashion, outen a fear thet seeks ter shield yore man. I honours both them things, but this time I hain't follerin' no fox-fire an' I kain't be stayed."

"Bas," she broke out in a low and trembling voice of abrupt decision, "I kain't suffer hit ter happen I kain't do hit." The varied strains and terrors of that day and night had made her voice a thing of gasps and catching breath, but while the man stood silent she gathered her scattered powers and went on, ignoring him and talking to the tree.

But, Mose, ef yo' squeal on dem men an' dey hears about it, dey'll give yo' wusser t'ings dan tar an' fedders. Kain't help dat; mus' run de resk. Mas'r Very am mighty pop'lar wid de Jedge, and I believes dat Miss Viola am lookin' on him wid more'n common feelin's.

He begun fumbling in the tobacco pouch which he found under the head of his blanket bed. He looked up blankly, slightly altering the name of his youngest squaw. "Well, damn her hide!" said he fervently. "Ye kain't keep nothin' from 'em! An' they kain't keep nothin' when they git hit."

But the spokesman declined to be lured by frivolous taunt from his vantage ground of solemnity. He turned his head and gravely inquired: "Number Thirteen, how does ye det'armine ther guilt of a witch?" "Ef a preacher comes nigh, she kain't help turnin' her back."

Hit's the truth the plow does bury the buffler, an' fer keeps! Ye kain't kill a plow, ner neither kin yer scare hit away. Hit's the holdin'est thing ther is, ma'am hit never does let go." "How long'll we wait here?" the older woman demanded. "Anyhow fer two-three days, ma'am. Thar's a lot has got to sort put stuff an' throw hit away here.

The young messenger had only to lift his hand then and grasp that outheld one and peace would have been established yet his one free arm seemed to him more difficult to lift in a gesture of compliance than that which was bandaged down. His own voice broke and he answered with difficulty: "Give me a leetle spell ter ponder I kain't answer ye off-hand."

Fer God's sake, boy, be big enough ter bide yore time twell ther Harpers an' Doanes hev done come outen this distemper of passion. I tells ye ye kain't do no less an' hold yore self-esteem."