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That evening Black Jack called upon the handy-man to help with the clean-up, and put him to tend the water while he and Denny, under the watchful eye of the owner's representative, lifted the riffles, worked down the concentrates, and removed them from the boxes. Bill was an experienced placer miner, so it was not many days before he was asked to help in the actual cleaning of the sluices.

That sweet and blessed country That eager hearts expect'; and his frail, ailing widow has been taken away to dwell with distant relatives. But Binks, under a new master, is still the handy-man; while Splutters and Shutters have become sedate members of society, for their new proprietor is Philip Price, than whom few know better the true secret of ruling.

"What else did you talk about besides your old woman?" asked the gambler, after an oppressive silence in which Montgomery heard only the thump of his heart against his ribs. "I told him you'd always been like a father to me " said the handy-man, ready to weep. "I'm obliged to you for that!" replied Gilmore with a smile of grim humor.

Ellesborough was on Rachel's right, the vicar on Janet's; Miss Shenstone sat between the two girls, and was so far from objecting to their company that she no sooner found she was to sit next the daughter of her brother's handy-man than her childish face flushed with pleasure. She had seen Jenny already at her brother's Bible-class, and she had been drawn to her.

"Oh, to hell with your old woman!" shouted the gambler furiously. "Do you mean that you were at Judge Langham's to-night?" "Yes, boss; he sent for me, see? I had to go!" explained Montgomery. "Why did you go there without letting me know, you drunken loafer?" stormed Gilmore. He took the handy-man by the arm and pushed him into a chair, then he stood above him, black-browed and menacing.

He led his disreputable visitor into the library, turned up the gas, and intrenched himself on the hearth-rug with his back to the fire. The handy-man had kept near the door leading into the hall. "Come closer!" commanded the judge, and Montgomery, hat in hand, advanced a step.

"There are our chairs," said Molly, starting toward the railing where the ever handy-man, Jimmy, had lashed the two steamer chairs. At the same moment the elegant, fur-clad lady rapidly crossed the deck and placing her hand on the back of the nearest chair, said in a cold and haughty tone to the maid: "Here, Marie, place the rugs and cushions in these chairs. They will do quite nicely."

These he brought to the center-table, where he leisurely poured his unwilling guest a drink. "Here, you old sot, soak this up!" he said genially. "Boss, I want to go home to my old woman!" began the handy-man, after he had emptied his glass. "Your old woman will keep!" retorted Gilmore shortly. "But, boss, I got to go to her; the judge says I must!

Montgomery seemed to undergo a brief but intense mental struggle, then he blurted out: "Boss, I lied when I said it was North I seen come over old man McBride's shed that night!" "Do you mean to tell me that you perjured yourself in the North case?" asked the judge sternly. "Sure, I lied!" said the handy-man.

"I was lookin' out into the alley through a crack in the small door where they put in the coal; right across the alley is the back of McBride's store and the sheds about his yard " the handy-man paused and mopped his face with his ragged cap. At the opposite end of the room Gilmore placed a hand on Langham's arm.