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I ought to have guessed the truth from the timidity with which she had repeatedly approached her sarcasm, only bringing herself to utter it at last with an effort. But I did not guess, and an evil feeling took possession of me. "Wait a bit!" I thought. "Oh, hush, Liza! How can you talk about being like a book, when it makes even me, an outsider, feel sick?

Once he thought he heard the sound of a snapping twig and became perfectly quiet, waiting for the sound to be repeated; but it did not come again. "Guess I must have been mistaken," the lad told himself, as he moved forward again. Five minutes later Hal stopped suddenly in his tracks. He had heard a sound close at hand and knew he was not mistaken this time.

And as, add to this, he laid down the law with the true schoolmaster's dogmaticalness on every conceivable subject that cropped up, from music to tattooing, you can guess that he had in him the makings of a very objectionable beast indeed.

"I'se glad to see yo', an' I suttinly hopes dat de transubstantiationableness ob my " "Wow!" cried Jack. "Say that over again, and say it slow." "Don't yo' foregather mah excitability?" asked the colored man rather anxiously. "Yes, I guess so. What's the answer? How's the professor? How's Andy? What's the matter? Why did he send for us?" "Wait! Wait! Please wait!" begged Washington.

"That there man," he resumed, shaking out the grounds from his tea-cup, "is the new division counsel for the road, the first mayor of Heart's Desire, after Miss Constance, and mighty likely the next Congressional delergate from this Territory. Now can you both guess who that man is?" "I'll admit he's a bigger man than Barkley," said Ellsworth, slowly. "That boy would make a grand trial lawyer.

It may be, Mr. Hamilton, though I hope not, that the prize will not come to you. But you may stand a chance of having your airship adopted by Uncle Sam, for all that." "That would be a fine feather in my cap!" cried Dick. "I don't care so much for the money, I guess you all know that." "I should say not!" cried Innis, with a laugh.

"Yes, that would be nice," agreed Sue. "Well, if I'd known you wanted a tent instead of my barn, I could have given you one," said Grandpa Brown. "Oh, have you really a tent?" asked Bunny, eagerly. "Yes, it's an old army tent. Not very big, though. When I used to go camping with some old soldier friends of mine we took it with us. It's up in the attic now, I guess.

"Guess it's your duty to see what's in these bottles," he remarked. "Shall I get one out?" "You needn't; I've a pretty good idea," answered Flett; adding meaningly, "besides, it's the kind of stuff a white man can't drink." Then he turned to George. "I'd better take you home. You look kind of shaky." "What about my horse?" George asked. "Guess he's made for home," said the teamster.

When we do that the other one is just as likely as not for to take a hand in the job and if he ain't a-kinder stirring round on these premises right this very minute I'm missing my guess and sooner or later there is going to be ructions. Cording to the way we-all think down here Miss Peggy's mighty close to the angels, but maybe we are blinded by the light o'love, so to speak.

Parker, I haven't got the language to tell ye how that woman looked when she came to the door and saw me helping Josh out to the ground. No sir, I don't want to think of it how she sank right down in that doorway, and her head went over sidewise and her eyes shut and and her heart stopped, I guess." The postmaster blew his nose and snapped his eyes and cleared his throat with difficulty.