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I guess all you fellows know that I'd stick up for my rights as hard as any one; don't you?" "Sure!" came the quick chorus. "And I wouldn't stand for any ill-treatment of my friends, or my class. But I put the school above my own feelings, and my class next. And you ought to, also, Tom.

"Well," he said, with a short laugh, "if the only medicine I need is excitement, I'll be the healthiest man you ever saw in a little while. I guess I'll find Pete. I must have made him feel pretty sore." "Pete," he said, coming upon him in the marine tower a little later, "I've got over my stomach-ache. Is it all right?" "Sure," said Pete; "I didn't know you was feeling bad.

Little did the wise American poet guess that, away in a little fairy principality of Deutschland, there was a beautiful young fairy prince, being reared by benevolent fairy godmother-grandmothers, especially to disprove all such doleful prophecies, and reverse the usual fate of pretty young Princesses in the case of the "little English mayflower."

"Mister Houston," he cried, "don't mind me I wanted to save you, and I guess you can make it yet, if you hurry and don't bother with me; I won't mind bein' left here, 'cause I'll know then that you're safe." "Don't you worry, my boy," replied Houston, and his own voice trembled, "we'll reach daylight all right, but we'll reach it together; I'll never leave you."

Ignorant, as I inevitably am, dear reader, of your intellectual and spiritual upbringing, I can hardly guess whether the title of my article will impress you as a platitude or as a paradox. Goodness knows, some men and women think quite enough of themselves as it is, and, from a certain momentary point of view, there may seem little occasion indeed to remind man of his importance.

"First time hornets got me!" he said crossly as he neared the little party. "Oh, you needn't laugh!" he cried in angry tones as Charlie snickered. "But you look funny all blotchy." The stung man allowed his anger to burst out in oaths. "Guess you think it's funny, too," he said to Amanda. "No. I'm sure it hurts," she said, though she knew he deserved no pity from her.

It isn't necessary." "Oh yes, yes," said her father; "he said to tell you he would be around here at two o'clock. I guess I'll have to go over myself and see part of the athletics. We older folks ain't quite up to taking a hand in the game, but we can give Copple our support by looking in on you and cheering on the good work." After dinner Mr.

Besides, it saved her any qualms she might otherwise have had in pursuing her own way under the shelter of her mother's roof. "I really can't see what you've to complain of, Momma," Elvine laughed, without any display of mirth. "I guess if you wanted to marry a man you'd leave him about as much chance as he'd have with a wildcat." Then her smile died out.

Petrus and Dorothea exchanged a meaning glance, and Dorothea said: "Why have we to learn all this from the lips of a stranger? It sounds very extraordinary, and yet how simple! Aye, husband, it would have become us better to guess something of this than to doubt Sirona.

Lapham gave himself time to swallow his morsel, and his rising wrath went down with it. "I guess you'll change your mind when the time comes," he said. "Anyway, Persis, you say we'll all come, and then, if Penelope don't want to go, you can excuse her after we get there. That's the best way."