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And somehow the lack of that indefinable some thing called humanity robbed them of much of their glamour. They were still beautiful, but their beauty had become impersonal. "Don't take these as representative of the Lani," Alexander said suddenly. "They're a special case, a very special case." He glared at his cousin. "Damn your impudence," he said without beat. "I sent for you not your toys.

"And the old captain glared around as if he defied anybody and everybody to question the validity of the claims so excitedly made. "Well, gentlemen, of course there was much else said and done, but that announcement stood; and to the day of his death I always called the captain Father Burrows, and he called me 'son, always addressing me so when alone, as well as when in the company of others.

Doubtless there were others, but those are the ones I recall, and with their identity I felt the power that glared from the fierce, vain, shrewd, masterful face of Elizabeth, and the obstinate good sense and ability that dwelt in William's. Possibly I read their natures into them, but I do not think so; and one could well wish that art had so preserved all the great embodiments of history.

Then he handed it out, slowly. He was prepared to leap upon the young engineer like a panther, but Tom was watching alertly. He received the belt with his left hand, holding his right hand clenched ready for "business." "Thank you," said Tom quietly. "Now, you may return to your work. I'm ready to forget this, Leon, if you are." Leon glared speechlessly at his conqueror.

Horror-stricken, she averted her gaze, but it encountered another object, equally appalling her husband's portrait; or rather, it would seem, a phantom in its place; for the eyes, lighted up by infernal fire, glared at her from beneath the frowning and contracted brows, while the hand significantly pointed to the hearthstone, on which the sanguinary stains had now formed themselves into the fatal word "VENGEANCE!"

Even the emissaries, slaves to this monster through fear, and seeing it often, fell back in awe and consternation, so terrible was its menace. It strode over to Flint and, pushing him backward, glared at him with burning eyes that seemed to search his soul. The monster then turned to one of the emissaries and, with a sweeping gesture, gave a command.

Von Moll stopped abruptly and winked at Gorman with drunken solemnity. "I don't give your Emperor credit for much intelligence," said Gorman, "but he must surely have more sense than to give orders of any kind about a cave in an out-of-the-way potty little island like this. Why can't you tell the truth, von Moll?" Von Moll straightened himself in his chair and glared at Gorman.

Blackett under the combined influences of rum, strong coffee, fever, and woman's tears went into a rage, and glared angrily at the chief, Tubariga. "You're a d -d nice fellow," he said in English; "you get my wife to pay a good musket for a girl, and then as soon as I am away you let that girl run back into the bush. You're a bad friend." Tubariga felt hurt.

The voice was as savage as the man's appearance, and Tom's heart sank within him. "What do you want?" The editor's forehead was a mass of wrinkles and his eyes glared threateningly from behind his glasses. Tom found his voice and laid the letter on the desk. "Humph," said the editor. He read the short message and tossed it aside. "Ever done newspaper work?" he asked. "No, sir," Tom replied.

"Traitor! everywhere in everything tricking me supplanting me in my friends in my love!" "Your love? Yours?" And the fixed eye still glared upon me. "Listen, cousin Alton! The strong and the weak have been matched for the same prize: and what wonder, if the strong man conquers? Go and ask Lillian how she likes the thought of being a Communist's love!"