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Dad's no grit. He gits drunk whenever he has a chance. Marm's a good, hard-workin' woman. She'd git along well enough ef she was alone." "At any rate, she can't afford to board me for nothing. So I am ready to start whenever you are, Abner." "Suppose we get up early to-morror and start?" "How early?" "Three o'clock. Marm gets up at five. We must be on the road before that time."

They don't give ye no show at all. I rayther think the graybacks likes the ossifers best if they could have their ch'ice, 'cause they's fatter 'n the privits; they gits better grub." Si fairly turned pale as he contemplated the picture so graphically portrayed by Shorty.

It's a sheet-iron pan, I reckon, ther way it feels; an' it must be thar they put a nigger in ter clean ther chimbly whin it gits stuffed up. I could git up thar alone, but I couldn't do no work, but thet thar pan ought ter cum out all right. Dew ye think ye cud hoi' me up, Cap? I'm purty durn heavy."

Indeed it would be a great relief if her basket could be filled for her, and she said, heartily, "Takes some time, honey, you know, fer an idee to git into my tick head, but when it gits dar it stick. Now you'se sensible, an' Missus'll see it soon. You'se on de right track. Ob cose, I'd be proud ob pahnaship, an' it'll be a great eas'n up to me.

In these sorter hills ye can't tell how deep a hole is." "I wouldn't drop any farther than you." "Maybe not. But if anyone gits foolish round here, it's me." He added, looking Wilson squarely in the eyes, "There ain't no one waiting fer me to come back." But Wilson refused to listen. "In the first place, I'm the lighter man, Stubbs; and in the second, I'm the younger.

Dead, and he on the drink Lord only knows where he gits it and lying there asleep in his room, and his poor wife dead at the hospital, and never thinking how he's going to pay the rent. I've stood it long enough for poor Margy, poor dear, because we was friends like, and she'd her troubles the same as me, but I ain't going to stand it from him.

"What was I sayin'?" asked the deacon. "Where did I leave off? You kinder interrupted my train of discourse, Eben. Mebbe I'd better stop." "There's a lady coming to join our party," said Bart Hodge. "I think it's your wife, Eli." "My w-h-a-t?" gasped Eli Given, actually turning pale. "Where is she? Great scissors! If she ever gits her hands on me now, I see my finish!"

"Ah, George! if death changes a man no more'n they say it does, little does Felix Kendrick need to be holp by these dismal takings-on. From first to last, he begrudged no man his banter. But here we are, and yan's the preacher. The p'int wi' me, George, is, how kin we-all setting on the back seats know when the preacher gits to his 'amen, onless his expoundance is too loud to be becoming?"

"I say, boss," said Ike, as he poked the fire, "he's a winner, aint he? Guess he hits the sky all right, when he gets onto his knees. By the livin' Gimmini! when that feller gits a-goin' he raises considerable of a promotion." "Commotion, Ikey," said The Kid gently. "Yes, I believe he hits the sky and he says he needs a Keeper."

That's the work that you are soon to be set to, lad." "Is it?" said Bob, quite pleased at the notion of being engaged in the same employment with Tomtit; "I'm glad to 'ear it. You see, mother, when you gits to be old an' 'elpless, you'll not need to mind, 'cause I'll support you." The next place they visited was the great point of attraction to Bob.