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Updated: August 28, 2024

You caan't teach me, Billy, not bein' a parent; though I allow what you say is true enough." "An' set un to work early; get un into ways o' work so soon as he's able to wear corduroys. An' doan't never let un be cruel to beastes; an' doan't let un " "Theer, theer!" cried Mr. Lyddon. "Have done with 'e! You speak as fules both, settin' out rules o' life for an hour-old babe.

"Well, I always knowed them Yankees was fules, but I don't for the life of me see what they done that fur." "Oh, it wasn't because they were sorry for the negro," exclaimed Rodney. "It was because they couldn't use him. They would have slaves to-day if they could make a dollar by it. You let the Yanks alone for that.

Blanchard's cottage and announced it promiscuously about the village. Like a dog with a bone he licked the intelligence over and, by his delay in imparting the same, reduced his master to a very fever of irritation. "Such a gashly thing! Of all fules! The last straw I do think. He's got something to grumble at now, poor twoad. Your son-in-law; but now theer gormed if I knaw how to tell 'e!"

"Come on, Drumsheugh," said Jamie Soutar, "gie's the end o't; it wes a michty mornin'." "'We're twa auld fules, says MacLure tae me, and he gaithers up his claithes. 'It wud set us better tae be tellin' Bell. "She wes sleepin' on the top o' her bed wrapped in a plaid, fair worn oot wi' three weeks' nursin' o' Saunders, but at the first touch she was oot upon the floor.

The British soldier had been ordered to halloo for help should he encounter armed resistance, but otherwise to rest a bit at the top of the precipice before making the effort to descend, lest he become dizzy from fatigue and the long strain upon his faculties, and fall; the ensign added a pointed reminder that he had no means of transportation for "fules with brucken craigs."

As sure as ye live, his honour Sir Hildebrand is gaun to stick his horn in the bog there's naething but gun and pistol, sword and dagger, amang them and they'll be laying on, I'se warrant; for they're fearless fules the young Osbaldistone squires, aye craving your honour's pardon."

GATTY'S back was hardly turned when a visitor arrived, and inquired, "Is Mr. Gatty at home?" "What's your will wi' him?" was the Scottish reply. "Will you give him this?" "What est?" "Are you fond of asking questions?" inquired the man. "Ay! and fules canna answer them," retorted Christie.

"A fule's journey!" remarked Old Amos sententiously, with a wave of his pipe; "a fule's journey!" The Ancient cast an observing eye up at the cloudless sky, and also nodded solemnly. "Theer be some fules in this world, Peter, as mixes up rabbits wi' pa'tridges, and honest men like Jarge wi' thieves, an' lazy waggabones like Job but we'll show 'em, Peter, we'll show 'em dang 'em!

But, undoubtedly, she had great influence wi' us baith on account of his Excellency's affection, as weel as that she ken'd far ower mony secrets to be lightlied in a matter o' that kind. Deil tak him," he ejaculated, by way of summing up, "that gies women either secret to keep or power to abuse fules shouldna hae chapping-sticks."

Do you understand back-combing? 'Lawk a mercy, ma'am! I never heard tell o' such a thing; and speakin' o' my master and his family as fules is beyond a'. However, Miss Jasmine, the darlin', she comes to me and she says in her coaxin' way, "Mak' the auld leddy comfy, Magsie;" and I 'd risk mony a danger to please Miss Jasmine. 'There isn't any Miss Jasmine. Her name is Lucy.

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