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Updated: November 6, 2024

She looked down a dizzy slope of which the horse's foothold seemed to her the most precarious part. "Yes'm all the road there is. We call it that. We're kind of po-lite to these little efforts of the Government kind of want to encourage 'em. Congressmen kind of needs coaxin' and flat'ry. They're right ornery critters. I heard an argyment atween a feller with a hoss and a feller with a mule onct.

An' de time she made de chickens drunk often egg- nog? Nebber wus nobody in de world lak dat chile, up to ever mischievousness dat ever wuz concocted, but jus' so sweet an' coaxin' dat de Cunnel nebber knowed how to punish her." The stranger took out a meerschaum pipe, started to light a match, evidently forgot his intention, and looked absently ahead into the darkness.

The blastin' and diggin' in the cañon done it, I s'pose, an' Poindexter that's the engineer thinks Forrester'll make it all right; but you don't want to be coaxin' the old woman up there, not if the court knows herself, and you want to keep your mouth purty ginerally shut. D' y' understand?" The old man's face worked in a feeble effort at comprehension. "Give out, dried up?

'Hullo! said my father, 'and who might you be, makin' so bold? At the sound of his speech she gave a little scritch at first, and bobbed down face-under, so that her hair lay afloat and spread itself all over the water like sea-weed. My father walked up closer. 'Nonsense, my dear, says he, in his coaxin' voice, 'there's nothin' to be afeard of.

'Lave me alone, says he, and he dhruv the shuttle fasther nor before. Well, in a little time more, she goes over to him where he sot, and says she, coaxin' him like, 'Thady, dear, says she, 'the stirabout will be stone cowld if you don't give over that weary work and come and ate it at wanst.

But she was all right again in a minute, brave as two, an' she was like a child when she see what he'd brought her a big platter for a tray, with milk-toast an' an apple an' five cents' worth o' dates. She done her best to eat, too, and praised him up, an' the poor soul hung over her, watchin' every mouthful, feedin' her, coaxin' her, lookin' like nothin' more'n a boy himself.

"God never made anything prettier 'an that bird, an' He must a-been mighty proud o' the job. Jest cast your eyes on it there! Ever see anything so runnin' over with dainty, pretty, coaxin' ways? Little red creatures, full o' hist'ry, too! Ever think o' that? Last year's bird, hatched hereabout, like as not.

But by reason there's no life in the thread, it goes round and round rayther than come out.... Got it! wanted a little coaxin', it did." That is to say, a few back-turns with very light pressure brought the screw-head free enough for a finger-grip, and the rest was easy. "It warn't of any real service," said Uncle Mo. "One size bigger would ketch and hold in.

"Does yer mean that?" she demanded, sternly. "Sartin, I does." "Yer denies kneelin' at my feet an' sayin', "Wasn't de onions made yer cry;" a pleadin' and a coaxin' till I 'sented to marry yer." "In course I does," repeated Dolf, doggedly. "Take care! Jis' tink!" "Miss Clo, dis ere ain't decorous; I'se 'stonished at yer!" With a bound like an unchained tigress Clo sprang at him.

Arter a little, we came to another bridge agin, and the same play was acted anew, same coaxin', same threatenin', and same thrashin'; at last pony put down his head, and began to shake his tail, a gettin' ready for another bout of kickin'; when Steve got off and led him, and did the same to every bridge we come to.

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