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Were the like o' me ever to change a note, wha the deil d'ye think wad be sic fules as to gie me charity after that? it wad flee through the country like wildfire, that auld Edie suld hae done siccan a like thing, and then, I'se warrant, I might grane my heart out or onybody wad gie me either a bane or a bodle." "Is there nothing, then, that I can do for you?"

"Say," he cried, "of all the blamed fules I'd say we three was the craziest ever pupped." Sandy turned inquiring, contemptuous eyes in his direction. He always adopted a defensive attitude when Sunny opened out. Toby only grinned and waited for what was to come. "Meanin'?" inquired Sandy in his coldest manner.

"Jist for thouchtlessness, I doobt, But wha could hae imagined to kep a ghaist by paperin' ower a door, whan, gien there be ony trowth i' sic tales, the ghaist gangs throu a stane wa' jist as easy's open air! But surely o' a' fules a ghaist maun be the warst 'a things on aboot a place!" "Maybe it's to haud away frae a waur.

"The doited fules," cries Ronny. "They've ta'en the horses to ride a man doon among the hills." "Let me once win the peat bink," says Dan, "and I'll wander the devil himsel'." And from the ring in his voice I kent his dark mood had passed, and waited to see him take the lead; but no, he herded me from behind, but cheerily now.

'And you, ye doil'd dotard, replied his gentle helpmate, her wrath, which had hitherto wandered abroad over the whole assembly, being at once and violently impelled into its natural channel, 'YE stand there hammering dog-heads for fules that will never snap them at a Highlandman, instead of earning bread for your family and shoeing this winsome young gentleman's horse that's just come frae the north!

"'Twere the devil flyin' off wi' Peter, says I, an' they fules laughed at me, Peter, ay, laughed at me they did, but they won't laugh at the old man no more not they; old I be, but they won't laugh at me no more, not when they see your face an' I tell 'em." Here he paused to fumble for his snuff-box, and, opening it, held it towards me. "Tak' a pinch wi' me, Peter." "No, thank you, Ancient."

Folks was comin' in from the Moor half a score o' miles for this merry-makin'." "'T is a practical thought," said Billy. "Them as come from far be like to seem fules if nothin' 's done. You go up the village an' I'll follow 'e so quick as I can." Mr. Chapple thereupon withdrew and Billy turned to the miller. Mr.

"Gang oot o' my chaumer wi' yer havers," cried Mr Cupples, "and lea' me wi' Alec Forbes. He winna deave me wi' his clash." "'Deed, I'll no lea' twa sic fules thegither. Come doon the stair direckly, Mr Forbes." Alec saw that it was better to obey. He went up on the sly in the course of the evening, however, but peeping in and seeing that he slept, came down again.

'Tis true, anyway. I shouldn't have failed in love wi' her if she'd been cleverer'n me." "Or she with you, perhaps?" "P'r'aps not. Anyway as it stands we'm halves of a whole: made for man and wife. I reckon I weern't wan to miss my way in love like some poor fules, as wastes it wheer they might see't wasn't wanted if they'd got eyes in their heads." "What it is to be so wise!"

Lyddon. "This love-making 's like to wreck the end of my life, wan way or another, yet. 'T is bad enough with the young; but when it comes to auld, bald-headed fules like you an' Lezzard " "As to violence, I wouldn't touch un wi' the end of a dung-fork I wouldn't. But I'm gwaine to lay his lie wance an' for all. I be off to parson this instant moment.