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Updated: August 27, 2024

Date Name and Type How Sunk Tonnage Lives Lost Aug. 7 Amphion, protected cruiser Mined 3,440 136 Sept. 4 Speedy, torpedo gunboat Mined 810 ... Sept. 5 Pathfinder, protected cruiser Mined 2,940 250 Sept. 7 Warrior, protected cruiser Stranded 13,500 ... Sept. 9 Oceanic, auxiliary cruiser Wrecked 17,000 ... Sept. 18 Fishguard II, training ship Foundered ...... 21 Sept. 19 AE-1, submarine Lost 800 25 Sept. 20 Pegasus, protected cruiser Shelled 2,200 25 Sept. 22 Aboukir, protected cruiser Torpedoed 12,000 510 Sept. 22 Cressy, protected cruiser Torpedoed 12,000 561 Sept. 22 Hogue, protected cruiser Torpedoed 12,000 362 Oct. 16 Hawke, protected cruiser Torpedoed 7,350 350 Oct. 18 E-3, submarine Shelled 800 25 Oct. 27 Audacious, dreadnought Torpedoed 25,000 2 Oct. 31 Hermes, protected cruiser Torpedoed 5,600 ... Nov. 1 Monmouth, armored cruiser Shelled 3,800 540 Nov. 1 Good Hope, armored cruiser Shelled 14,100 875 Nov. 5 D-5, submarine Mined 550 21 Nov. 11 Niger, torpedo gunboat Torpedoed 819 ... Nov. 20 Bulwark, battleship Explosion 15,000 800 Jan. 1 Formidable, battleship Torpedoed 17,000 579 Number of vessels lost, 21.

Policemen and Cabinet Ministers had for many months been regarded as the lawful prey of militants, but Isabel Joy was the first of the militants to damage property and heads which belonged to persons of neither of those classes. And the authorities of the ship were assuredly inclined to hand Isabel Joy over to the police at Fishguard.

At length 512 were allowed to land; but were imprisoned in the forts of Cherbourg. The French records contain many expressions of the dread experienced by the inhabitants of the coast lest the English should put on shore in France the malefactors whom they had captured at Fishguard.

On receipt of this come instantly Mervo without moment delay vital importance presence urgently required come wherever you are cancel engagements urgent necessity hustle have advised bank allow you draw any money you need expenses have booked stateroom Mauretania sailing Wednesday don't fail catch arrive Fishguard Monday train London sleep London catch first train Tuesday Dover now mind first train no taking root in London and spending a week shopping mid-day boat Dover Calais arrive Paris Tuesday evening Dine Paris catch train de luxe nine-fifteen Tuesday night for Marseilles have engaged sleeping coupe now mind Tuesday night no cutting loose around Paris stores you can do all that later on just now you want to get here right quick arrive Marseilles Wednesday morning boat Mervo Wednesday night will meet you Mervo now do you follow all that because if not cable at once and say which part of journey you don't understand now mind special points to be remembered firstly come instantly secondly no cutting loose around London Paris stores see.

So there'll be no time for her to be arrested and bailed out either at Liverpool or Fishguard. And that's her only chance. I've seen Isabel, and if you ask me my opinion she's down and out." "Never mind!" said Edward Henry with glee. "I guess what you're after her for," said Mr. Seven Sachs, with an air of deep knowledge. "The deuce you do!" "Yes, sir!

There was only one way in which such communication could be managed, and that way Crawford now took with characteristic promptitude and energy. The Clydevalley crossed the Irish Sea to Fishguard, where he took train on Sunday night to London and Yarmouth, having first made arrangements with the skipper for keeping in touch.

Upon leaving New York there had been talk of reaching Fishguard on Saturday evening. But now the prophesied moment of arrival had been put forward to noon on Sunday. Edward Henry's sole consolation was that each day on the eastward trip consisted of only twenty-three hours. Further, he was by no means free from apprehension about the personal liberty of Isabel Joy.

"It did, `a lot, my dear," replied his aunt, adopting his favourite word. "Several men with names distinguished in the Revolution were confined here, among them being the Irish general Tate, who led that ridiculous invasion of this country planned by Buonaparte, which was routed by a body of Welsh women at Fishguard."

Fifteen hundred of these Chouans were actually landed at Fishguard in February of 1798, but promptly surrendered, and France had to give good English prisoners in exchange for them on the threat that they would be turned loose again on French soil. Much more serious was General Hoche's expedition to Ireland of the winter before.

Why not run over and join me for the afternoon? I am disposed to be approachable at last. BURGE-LUBIN. But Fishguard! Two hundred and seventy miles! THE NEGRESS. There is a lightning express on the Irish Air Service at half-past sixteen. They will drop you by a parachute in the bay. The dip will do you good. I will pick you up and dry you and give you a first-rate time. BURGE-LUBIN. Delightful.

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