United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Quite nominal, you know. Only I like to have things in proper form. And if you ever want to go, you know, you'll give me a month's notice and," here he laughed genially, "I'll do ditto when I want to get rid of you. Ha! Ha! Ha! Is that a bargain?" Raphael smiled in reply and the two men's hands met in a hearty clasp. "Miss Ansell will help you, I know," said Goldsmith cheerily.

Yearly Expenses since. L s. d. House-rent and taxes ....... 23 6 6 Servant at 6s. per week, ... 15 12 0 board wages Ditto, yearly wages ........ 8 8 0 Coals, &c. ................. 10 0 0 Ale tickets ................ 40 0 0 Half the members' plate .... 25 0 0 Swearing young burgesses ... 10 0 0 Subscription to the ........ 5 5 0 Infirmary Ditto Clergymen's widows ... 2 2 0 Ringers .................... 4 4 0 86 11 0 One year ............ 143 17 6 Multiplied by years . 6 863 5 0

Wednesday, same as Monday. Friday, ditto. Thursday and Saturday, same as Tuesday. Read every day a chapter in Greek Testament, and translate ten lines of Latin. Good books to read: Terrasson's History of Roman Jurisprudence; Bishop of Chester's Records of the Creation." His daughter says that he read with great rapidity.

You never seed a small man that didn't wear high heel boots, and a high-crowned hat, and that warn't ready to fight most any one, to show he was a man every inch of him. "I met a member the other day, who swaggered near about as large as Uncle Peleg. He looked as if he thought you couldn't find his 'ditto' anywhere. He used some most particular educational words, genuine jaw-breakers.

How fine they will look on the table next year in a cut-glass dish, the cream being in a ditto pitcher! I set them four and five feet apart. I set my strawberries pretty well apart also. The reason is, to give room for the cows to run through when they break into the garden, as they do sometimes. A cow needs a broader track than a locomotive; and she generally makes one.

Every room was exactly alike: in each was a red strip of carpet, half a dozen rocking-chairs placed opposite one another, a cane- bottomed sofa, a table with nothing on it, and walls ditto. There are never any curtains, and nothing is upholstered. This is the typical Cuban salon.

Howell and James's ditto, the account of Baron Von Stiltz, and the bill of Mr. Polonius for the setting of the diamond pin. All these bills arrived in a week, as they have a knack of doing; and fancy my astonishment in presenting them to Mrs. Hoggarty, when she said, "Well, my dear, you are in the receipt of a very fine income.

"The sight of your countenance is an unexpected pleasure in New York. Mr. Leigh, when did you arrive?" "This afternoon. Mr. Hammond gave me your address, and I called to see you, but was told that you were here." "How are they all at home?" "Do you mean at Le Bocage or the Parsonage?" "I mean how are all my friends?" "Mrs. Murray is very well, Miss Estelle, ditto. Mr.

The regular wild untamed fellow is not so pleasant at first dirty, unclothed, always smoking, a mass of blankets, his wigwam sort of place filthy; his food ditto; but then he is probably intelligent, hospitable, and not insensible to the advantage of hearing about religion. It only wants a little practice to overcome one's English feelings about dress, civilisation, etc., and that will soon come.

Mr. and Mrs. Moilliet have pressed us to come again. Mr. and Mrs. Watt, ditto, ditto. Mr. Mr. I beg your pardon for going backward and forward in this way in my hurry-skurry. I leave the Stratford-upon-Avon, and Blenheim, and Woodstock adventures, and Oxford to Honora and Fanny, whose pens have been going a l'envie l'une de l'autre; we are writing so comfortably.