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The receipts into the Treasury from January 1st, 1828 to September 30th, 1828, so far as they have been ascertained to form the basis of an estimate, amount to $18,633,580.27, which, with the receipts of the present quarter, estimated at $5,461,283.40, form an aggregate of receipts during the year of $24,094,863.67.

Between 1901 and 1911, where 39,951 newcomers settled in the country districts of Quebec, 313,863 settled in the cities. For one who chose life in the open, eight chose the tenement and the sweatshop. In 1901 Canada had 3,349,516 people living in the country, and 2,021,799 living in the cities. By 1911 there were 3,924,394 living in the country, and 3,280,440 living in the cities.

Yearly Expenses since. L s. d. House-rent and taxes ....... 23 6 6 Servant at 6s. per week, ... 15 12 0 board wages Ditto, yearly wages ........ 8 8 0 Coals, &c. ................. 10 0 0 Ale tickets ................ 40 0 0 Half the members' plate .... 25 0 0 Swearing young burgesses ... 10 0 0 Subscription to the ........ 5 5 0 Infirmary Ditto Clergymen's widows ... 2 2 0 Ringers .................... 4 4 0 86 11 0 One year ............ 143 17 6 Multiplied by years . 6 863 5 0

They telephoned immediately to all the police stations, and a watch was set, with the result that number 72,863 was stopped as it was going home for the night. But it then turned out that the cab had not been off the rank since eleven o'clock, and the driver had been in the shelter all the time with several other men. But there is a clue; I have it here." Mr.

If to the actual expenditures of the first quarter of the current fiscal year be added the probable expenditures for the remaining three quarters, as estimated by the Secretary of the Treasury, the sum total will be $71,226,846, thereby leaving an estimated balance in the Treasury on July 1, 1856, of $15,623,863.41.

Rel., Vol. V, p. 863. Benton's "Abridgment," Vol. VIII, pp. 427, 428, and Vol. IX, pp. 90, 218. H. Ex. Doc. No. 121, Thirty-second Cong., First Sess.; also "Wharton's Digest," Sec. 60. "Wharton's Digest," Sec. 60. Mr. Upshur, who succeeded Mr. Webster as secretary of state, wrote to Mr. Irving to the same effect, October 10, 1843. Mr. Buchanan to Mr. Saunders, June 17, 1848. H. Ex. Doc.

Years Number of Empty Barrels Barrels of Her- Bounty paid on Busses carried out rings caught the Busses £. s. d. 1771 29 5,948 2,832 2,885 0 0 1772 168 41,316 22,237 11,055 7 6 1773 190 42,333 42,055 12,510 8 6 1774 240 59,303 56,365 26,932 2 6 1775 275 69,144 52,879 19,315 15 0 1776 294 76,329 51,863 21,290 7 6 1777 240 62,679 43,313 17,592 2 6 1778 220 56,390 40,958 16,316 2 6 1779 206 55,194 29,367 15,287 0 0 1780 181 48,315 19,885 13,445 12 6 1781 135 33,992 16,593 9,613 15 6

It is now impossible to state accurately our loss of life and men in any one separate battle; for the fighting was continuous, almost daily, among trees and bushes, on ground where one could rarely see a hundred yards ahead. Killed and Missing. Wounded. Total. 1,863 7,436 9,299 Total ................... 42,856

Pres. Vir. Epist. p. 388. Ep. Casaub. 933. Grot. Apolog. Ep. Gr. 28, 29. Ep. Caus. 863. V. This Edict served but to increase the troubles, by driving the Gomarists, against whom it was levelled, into despair.

Coming up now to our own times, and taking the exports of the years 1821, 1822, and 1823, of the same articles and products, at the same prices, they stand thus: In 1821, $45,643,175 1822, 48,782,295 1823, 55,863,491 Mr.

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