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Pres. Vir. Epist. p. 388. Ep. Casaub. 933. Grot. Apolog. Ep. Gr. 28, 29. Ep. Caus. 863. V. This Edict served but to increase the troubles, by driving the Gomarists, against whom it was levelled, into despair.

Animad in anim. Riveti, ad Art. 6. p. 658. Discussio Rivet. Apolog. p. 694. & p. 681. XIX. His great knowledge of antiquity and that singular veneration which he always paid to the primitive church made him even in his youth look upon the abolition of episcopacy, and of a visible head of the church, as something very monstrous.

Barnevelt and he had the direction of the States proceedings in this matter; and he was appointed to draw up an edict which might restore tranquility. It was approved by the States, and is as follows. Apolog. Cap. 9. Le Vassor, L. 4. p. 477.

He flattered himself that his works on this subject had undeceived several Protestants , and that Rivetus, his grand adversary, was looked upon even by his collegues as a Divine of little judgment and a moderate share of erudition. Via ad Pacem, Art. 7. p. 17. Ad. Art. 7. p. 641. P. 642. & p. 695. Discussio Apolog. Rivet. & p. 696. Ep. 318. p. 115. Ep. 534. p. 914. see Ep. 739. p. 975. No 2.

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