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Updated: August 3, 2024

Monsieur de Fontanges then explained to Newton the order which he had received. He then kissed the hand of Madame de Fontanges, tried to console the little slave girls, who were all au desespoir, patted Cupidon on the head, by way of farewell, and quitted the boudoir, in which he had passed so many happy hours.

Oh, mademoiselle, pray allow it to remain so; I should be au désespoir were I obliged to unfasten it now. Adelaide hesitated: it was, however, no conscientious scruple which occasioned her hesitation. She was a Frenchwoman, a beauty, and a little a very little of a coquette.

I cannot explain how I was struck with the expression which it wore: so calmly bright and open! it was as if the very daylight had settled there. "You don't understand this at present, Henry," said he, after a moment's silence; "but you will find it, of all rules for the improvement of property, the easiest to learn. Enough of this now. Were you not au desespoir at leaving Paris?"

"There," said he, "play us one of the tunes of Egypt. 'The Rogue's March, eh? and mizzle." Then did Miss Clifford's French maid trip forward smirking with a parasol to mend: Désolée de vous déranger, Monsieur Hope, mais notre demoiselle est au désespoir: oh, ces parasols Anglais!

I thought, Captain Aresby, you would have stayed to take care of her." "I'll run and see how she is myself," cried Morrice, and away he gallopped. "Really, ma'am," said the Captain, "I am quite au desespoir to have failed in any of my devoirs; but I make it a principle to be a mere looker on upon these occasions, lest I should be so unhappy as to commit any faux pas by too much empressement."

The only civilized person was a large black baker's dog, who, like Gil Blas's first travelling acquaintance, seemed free of the house, and did the honours of the supper to us with an assiduity as disinterested, "Ah, messieurs," said his civil master, when we stept across the street in the morning, to return the dog's visit in form, "je suis charmé que vous trouvez l'Abri si beau; je suis au desespoir qu'il ne soit pas chez lui a present, mais je vais le chercher partout afin qu'il vous fasse ses hommages."

Ah! tout ce qu'il y a dans le coeur de crainte, de douleur, de desespoir, j'ai tout deviné; tout souffert, je puis tout exprimer maintenant surtout la joie. Adieu! Marie St. Clair. Here end my investigations into the power of Spirits to answer sealed questions.

Though my distance to the house was only eighteen miles and the road quite safe, I contrived to lose myself three or four times, till, en désespoir, I threw the bridle on my horse's neck, trusting to his instinct to extricate me from my difficulties. It was nearly midnight when I approached the back fences of Mr.

Veil, sair, in de night de pickets of de two armie get so close, and mix up, dat some shot gets fired, and in one moment all in confusion. I am shake by de shoulder I wake like from dream I heard sharp fusillade my friend cry, 'Fly to your post, it is attack! We exchange one shek of de hand, and I run off to my post. Oh, ciel! it is driven in I see dem fly. Oh, mon desespoir a ce moment-la!

"Mon Dieu!" exclaimed the stranger, "what shall become of me? Je suis au desespoir!" "Dear Sir," cried Miss Mirvan, "pray let us take the poor lady into our coach. She is quite alone, and a foreigner-" "She's never the better for that," answered he: "she may be a woman of the town, for anything you know." "She does not appear such," said Mrs.

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