United States or Pitcairn Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In future I shall assume control of his home and relieve Miss Peggy of all responsibility. You may come to me for all orders." She paused, and for the moment Harrison was too dumbfounded to reply, while Mammy in the pantry, having overheard every word, was noiselessly clapping her old hands together and murmuring: "Ma Lawd! Ma Lawd! Now I knows de sou'ce ob dat chile's tears."

I'se gwine ter quit I is!" "You'se gwine ter quit you is! I speck! I'm done heerd dat talk eber day dis month," jeered cook number two. "Ef you quits you kin jest bet yer bottom dollar I aint a-gwine to stay. Got more'n I kin do now I is." "An' what yer reckon dis chile's goin' ter do den?" pertly chimed in the mulatto kitchen maid.

I was boun' to have de funeral fust class. When ole Miss died, I let 'em have dar way, an' ole Aunt Judy had de pow' till her missus, who was hyar, shook her out on't. That was ole Miss Thomas, who stood out agin Miss Dory till she seen de ring. She says to me, says she, 'Does you know whar de chile's fader is? an' says I, 'S'posin' I do? 'Then sen' for him, says she.

"Poor lilly Lally!" cried he, in a voice that betrayed his anxiety. "O Mass' Ben! fo' de lub o' Gorramity, swum to de right, round dat away, an' let me git 'tween you an de ravenin' beast. To de right! da's de way. Do yer bess, Mass' Brace, an' gi' me time get up. I take care o' de lubber ef I once get im widin reach o' dis chile's arm." The injunction thus uttered had the desired effect.

Yis, Frank, this chile's willin' to go wi' ye to the heart o' Mexiko, plum centre; to the halls o' the Montyzoomas; reddy to start this minnit."

He calls yer to be a fader to her; an' from dis day yer is her fader 'member dat. But it may be jus' as well for yer to purtend to be her husband: 'at will keep de udder boys from pesterin' her. But 'member dis: de Lord will 'quire dat chile's happiness of yo' han's, an' will so do by yer as yer do by her. 'Be yer de angel ob de Lord, massa? says I. 'Clar' to goodness, sah!

Hollis, with her firm, close-shut mouth, to the flying figure on the lawn. "Perhaps," he said, lifting his brows; but he put the odds on Annette. That night, when Aunt Melvy brought the lamp into the sitting-room, she waited nervously near Mrs. Hollis's chair. "Miss Sue," she ventured presently, "is de cunjers comin' out?" "The what?" "De cunjers what dat pore chile's got.

Then he rattled the coins in his two pockets. The contributions of Colonel Sommerton chinked on the left, those of Tom Bannister and Phyllis rang on the right. "Blame this here ole chile's eyes," he went on, "but 'twar a close shabe! Seem lak I's kinder holdin' de balernce ob power.

But pertinacity was a marked trait of the Baring family; otherwise, Isobel's father, a bluff, church-warden type of man, would not have won his way to the chief place in the firm of Baring, Thompson, Miguel & Co., Mining and Export Agents, the leading house in Chile's principal port.

Doctor Cutter done already distracted two blood-vultures from his 'pendercitis, an' I lef him now prezaminatin' de chile's ante-bellum fur de germans ob de neuroplumonia, which ef he's disinfected wid, dey gotter 'noculate him wid the ice-coldlated quarantimes but I b'lieves it's conjuration!" A lady had the misfortune to lose her season ticket for the railway.