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Sure enough, just what Sam expected, dere sat missus of farm, fat ole woman, wid fat ole servant opposite her. De door was open, and dis little pig and several of his broders and sisters was a frisking in and out. De old women look up bofe togeder, and dey give a awful shriek when dey saw dis chile's head; dey fought it were de debil, sure enough.

"Good Lord! my poor toe and my poor chile's cakes!" was her vehement interjection; and as she bent to gather up the cookies, she grunted out the same adjuration, coupled with "my poor ole back!" a negress' stock subject of complaint, let her be but twenty years old and as strong as an ox.

"Aye, yer wet welt stings th' flesh, Jamie, but it niver gets at a chile's mind." "Thrue for you, but who th' kin get at a chile's mind?" One day I was chased into the house by a bigger boy. I had found a farthing. He said it was his. The money was handed over and the boy left with his tongue in his cheek. I was ordered to strip. When ready he laid me across his knee and applied the "wet welt."

"Go on, den, an' find de Willer-de-Wispies. De chile's done been honin' 'bout 'em in his sleep. An' mind, don' let 'im git nigh no pisen-ivy! An' Zack," she called, as they were riding away with Mesmie now up behind Bip, "git 'im back heah by twelve!"

Chile's fine chile, good chile, but summonelse chile! Chile's gone, Clar'; but all ish'n't gone, Clar'. Conshider dearesht, you all's have me!" Mrs. Starbottle started to her feet. "YOU!" she cried, bringing out a chest note that made the chandeliers ring, "you that I married to give my darling food and clothes, YOU! a dog that I whistled to my side to keep the men off me, YOU!"

"Miss Emmaline's is a sight flatter," Polly stoutly maintained. "She's got as pretty shape as ever I see, all our people's got good shapes from old Missis down. I reckon this chile's got her back from her pa's fambly."

How does it look ahead, Cyd?" "Dark as de back of dis chile's hand." "Look out sharp!" "Do dat, for sartin." The Isabel continued slowly on her course, for the woods on the shore now began to shelter the sails from the full force of the wind. The corner of the lake grew narrower with every moment she advanced, till the boat was not more than a couple of rods from either shore.

Phil's alive! An' all de han's on de plantation cum runnin' to de house, an' my mother caught me firs', 'Praise God, my chile's alive. De firs' I said, 'I's been wrong to doubt God, I never, never will doubt him any more. I never can, for I's had a glimpse of hell, and have been in dat beautiful world of light."

Sell this farm, an' it's been in our family these generations past! There's been Hamiltons in this house for a hundred an' fifty years an' more. I wouldn't sell it for the world!" "But I must have you, Sheila. I must marry you!" "Why must you?" "I just must!..." She turned to look at the grazing cow, and then turned back to him. "That's chile's talk," she said. "You must because you must.

'Clar to goodness, dat chile's leg warn't bigger'n a drumstick picked to de bone. De man de Sheriff sent wid us didn't go no furder dan de gate, an' when he lef us dey all sneaked in an' did dere bes' ter git her from me. Wuss-lookin' harum-scarums you ever see.