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Dat ar chile's a-thrivin' an' a-comin' 'long jes' like she'd orter. Dar ain't a-gwine to be nothin' wrong wid dat chile." "That's a good thing," said Tom. He sat down by the cradle's side and regarded its occupant with an interest as fresh as if she had just appeared for the first time upon his horizon.

About an hour later the girls were back at the paddock, Nelly's face alight with joy, for it had not taken good old Mammy long to see that the chief cause of Nelly's lack of strength was lack of proper nourishment, and her skilled old hands were soon busy with sherry and raw eggs as a preliminary, to be followed by one of Aunt Cynthia's dainty little luncheons; a luncheon composed of what Mammy hinted "mus' be somethin' wha' gwine fer ter stick ter dat po' chile's ribs, 'case she jist nachelly half-starved."

"Sally Carrol, we're here!" "Poor chile's soun' asleep." "Honey, you dead at last outa sheer laziness?" "Water, Sally Carrol! Cool water waitin' for you!" Her eyes opened sleepily. "Hi!" she murmured, smiling. In November Harry Bellamy, tall, broad, and brisk, came down from his Northern city to spend four days.

But now she's done ded de chile doan or'to be brung up wid Crackers an' niggers, an' den dar's de place belonged to ole Miss, an' dar's Mandy Ann. She doan' or'ter be sole to nobody. I'd buy her an' set her free ef I had de money, but I hain't. She's a rale purty chile de little girl. You mite buy Mandy Ann an' take her for lil chile's nuss. Jake Harris." "Jerusalem!" Peter exclaimed.

Just made it up: Glittering summery meadowy noise Of beetles and bums and respectable boys. Hear that? Whimzh whimsy. I made that up. I don't know what it means! Beginning good verse. Chile's Garden Verses. And whadi write? Tripe! Cheer-up poems. All tripe! Could have written Too late!" He darted on with an alarming plunge, seeming always to pitch forward yet never quite falling.

Mandy Ann lived a spell wid de quality, an' got some o' dar ways, an' I got some in Virginny, an' we tole 'em to her, an' she done tried till towards de las' she gin it up. ''Taint no use, she said to me. 'I'm 'scouraged. I can never be a lady. Ef he comes after I'm dead, tell him I tried an' couldn't. She meant the chile's fader, her husband. Ain't you her husband?"

"If you can't hold your tongue, I'll throw you overboard!" "Possifus! Ugh! Wha wha wha " "Come, Cyd," interposed Quin, in a low tone, "don't make a noise. If you do, we shall all be lost." "Dis chile's awful skeered. I done wish I hadn't come," replied Cyd, in a gentler tone; but the words trembled on his lips. "Quin," said Dan.

"And a squall too, I'm afraid," added Dan, as he cast his eyes anxiously over the rail, to observe a pile of dense black clouds, which had suddenly rolled up the midnight sky. "Whar's de boat?" asked Cyd. "She lies off here only a little way from us. If she will only keep still till we can get a breeze, we shall be all right." "Let 'em come on; dis chile's all ready for 'em," replied Cyd.

Chile's fine chile, good chile, but summonelse chile! Chile's gone, Clar'; but all ish'n't gone, Clar'. Conshider dearesht, you all's have me!" Mrs. Starbottle started to her feet. "YOU!" she cried, bringing out a chest note that made the chandeliers ring "You that I married to give my darling food and clothes YOU! a dog that I whistled to my side to keep the men off me YOU!"