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Updated: August 9, 2024

"It is Cameron I am telling you!" "Oh, get out, you big bluffer!" cries a thin-faced man, pressing close upon the judges. "It is La Belle by a mile!" "By a mile, is it?" shouts Mack. "Then go and hunt your man!" and with a swift motion his big hand falls upon the thin face and sweeps it clear out of view, the man bearing it coming to his feet in a white fury some paces away.

The fellow grinned, one hand thrust into the outer pocket of his coat, his eyes narrowed into ugly slits. "You think so! You haven't a weapon on you, West, and if you take a step, I'll put you out of commission. I know how to handle your kind, you big bluffer. What I want to know is what you have got in your head, for, believe me, I don't take any stock in this woman stuff.

"Look here, Gudge! you got the nerve to charge us such a price for standing by your frame-up?" McGivney generally treated Peter as a coward and a feeble bluffer; but he had learned also that there was one time when the little man completely changed his nature, and that was when it was a question of getting hold of some cash. That was the question now; and Peter met McGivney scowl for scowl.

"By George, you're a wonderful bluffer." "Do you expect me to throw you out, sir?" "It isn't necessary. I've had a change of heart in the last minute, Mr. Bansemer. I withdraw my proposition. By all that's holy, I intend to go after you now without pity. Hang your son's feelings! You won't take my advice. I didn't give it as a friend, because I detest you.

Weary gave her a startled glance and almost dropped his cigarette. This seemed going rather far, he thought but of course she didn't really mean it; the schoolma'am, he heartened himself with thinking, was an awful, little bluffer. "Don't go off mad, Girlie. I'm sorry I killed your gopher on the dead, I am. I just didn't think, That's a habit I've got not thinking. "Say!

Struggling in the sergeant's grasp, he shouted his reply: "Settle be damned! How'd you settle wid Willett for the girl he did you out? Bluffed him on a queen high, and called it square! You're nothin' but a bluffer, Case, an' all Vancouver knowed it!" In the instant of awkward, amazed silence that followed no man moved. Then, his face still whiter, his lips livid, Case turned to Sergeant Woodrow.

Now let's see if our friend is really a bluffer or a fighter. "You know the Clarion is a powerful evening newspaper, too," said Bob, when the Ross boys looked up from their reading. "It has always been a hot rival of dad's paper, but it never got quite so sarcastic as this before. Dad was good and mad when he read this last night.

".... said to her as nicely as I could, but firmly," Miss Toland was saying, above the rasp of a running faucet in the bathroom, "Well, my dear Miss Hewitt, you may be a trained worker and I'm not, but you can't expect your theories to work under conditions " "What a bluffer I am," thought Julia, getting into bed.

Well, I'll bet deep down in your heart you're just as glad as anything I kept you from making that silly start." "Sure I am, Jerry! and I hope you didn't really think I meant to go. I was only trying to keep up to my reputation and name as a bluffer. All the while I knew as well as anything we never could get a quarter of the way here.

So likewise sat Vorse, who had heard Weir's utterance and beheld his face. "He knows something," he repeated, in a convinced tone. "Or he's a damned good bluffer." "I passed him here at the door this afternoon," the banker remarked. "I turned to look at him, guessing who he was, and he had stopped and was looking at me. Cool about it too. We'll have to watch him."

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