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Surely you can tell me some of the things you have discovered." "A whole lot. I've been waiting for the chance. Not that I got anything out of her. She's one grand bluffer and no mistake. I take off my hat to her.

Enid looked proudly about the clean little shack and showed her approval. "Sure," said Tommy simply. "That boy is just as much of a bluffer as ever," exclaimed Kit. "I saw Cheerekee here with a broom. She disappeared as we came in. Tommy never dusted this place today, I know he didn't." "Of course today is different. I couldn't go to the station to meet you and clean house at the same time.

"Theatrical, as always, aren't you?" Nelson's lip curled. For a moment Gray stared at the speaker curiously; his tone had altered when he said: "You're a better poker player than I thought. You're almost as good a bluffer as I am. That, by the way, is probably the last compliment I shall pay you." "Come! I've no time to waste."

I always carried the very best pistol that could be bought for money, and had one that I called "Betsy Jane," for which I paid $100. I never wanted to turn her loose, for I did not want ever to kill a man. I only used her as a bluffer, and she has often responded to my wants successfully.

"You helped!" Jimmie said, accusingly. "You knew what was up! Why didn't you tell him?" "We'll discuss that later," was the smiling reply. "Anyway," Jimmie said, "we're rid of the old bluffer, and may be able to do somethin', if he stays away long enough." "You came near spoiling the whole thing," declared Jack, grinning at Jimmie. "You and your talk about twisted spark-plugs!

And justifiably you will say, considering that the whole business was a gigantic piece of bluff well, maybe, yet on behalf of this bluffer I would put it forward that he had risked everything on one deal, and that this was no little failure of his, but a disaster, naked and complete. He had less than ten pounds in his pocket and he owed money at the Savoy.

"About as well as the monkey and the parrot did," answered Shorty, and he described the interview, ending with: "I never saw a man who was achin' for a good lickin' like that old bluffer. And he'll git it jest as soon as he's out o' the service, if I have to walk a hundred miles to give it to him." "I'm afraid you'll have to wait a good while," answered Wilson.

It thought the bluff had been called, and naturally, finding harmless what had intimidated it, gave way to an exasperated impulse to get even. "You bluffer!" shouted a voice, "don't you think you can run any such ranikaboo here!" Jed Parker turned humorously to his companion. "Do we get that talk?" he inquired gently.

"If he does, he's a bluffer," Deacon cut back. "I'm getting tired of all this poppycock. Mr. Gee, you will favour me and put yourself in a better light if you tell how you know who that man was that just dropped anchor. After that I'll play you piquet." "I'd prefer bridge," Peter answered. "As for the other thing, it's something like this: By the sound it was a small craft no square-rigger.

There has always been a Challoner fighting or ruling in India since John Company's time." "They must have been fine men by their portraits. There's one of a Major Henry Challoner I fell in love with. He was with Outram, wasn't he? You have his look, though there's a puzzling difference. I think these men were bluffer and blunter than you are.